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Special Interest Group

Implantation and Early Pregnancy

Welcome to the site of the Special Interest Group Implantation and Early Pregnancy (SIGIEP). Here you can read more about us, our activities and our recommended reading.

Mission statement and fields of interest

The SIG IEP is focused on the (patho-)physiology of implantation and post-implantation embryo development, with the aim to improve implantation and reduce early pregnancy miscarriage rates. The SIG is also interested in the physiologic and disturbed development of early pregnancy covering the early embryonic stage towards the end of first trimester of pregnancy.


  • To create a forum of discussion, joined projects, education and exchange of information from groups working in the field of implantation and early pregnancy
  • To provide a clinical and scientific link between human reproduction including infertility, prenatal diagnosis and embryo as well as fetal development
  • To improve implantation rates after ART
  • To optimize diagnostic testing and treatment options for recurrent miscarriage and recurrent implantation failure

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