Join us in Paris for another remarkable Annual Meeting of ESHRE. Register here!

Transparency statement

Position statement on transparency

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (‘ESHRE’) is a non-governmental, non-profit-making organisation and is independent of industry, commercial and business or other conflicting interests.

We are fully committed to transparency and independence, to open and transparent dialogue and to ensure accurate representation of our activities and policies.

More particularly, we ensure transparency in

  • Our mission and vision;
  • In the legitimacy of our membership base;
  • Our bylaws and governance;
  • Our governing bodies;
  • Our finances, as well as the financial control and standard accounting practices;
  • Our annual report.


How we are funded

In 2016, ESHRE’s budget was composed of fees from:

Annual Meetings (70,20%)

Publications (Journals) (15%)

Live educational activities (Campus meetings) (7,20%)

Membership (5,30%)

Interests and financial income (2%)

Certification (0,30%)