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ESHRE Position statements and papers

Statements, opinions, responses about recent highlights and milestones in the field of reproductive science and medicine can be found in this section.

Stakeholder engagement and capacity building in the EHDS

March 2025 – ESHRE, as part of a coalition of 39 health stakeholder organisations, has published a joint statement welcoming the publication of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation in the EU's Official Journal. The group underscores the need to promptly establish an inclusive and well-resourced Stakeholder Forum to ensure the effective implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Gamete donor compensation

October 2024 – ESHRE describes relevant ethical considerations related to gamete donor compensation and sets out principles that EU Member States should take into account when determining an appropriate upper compensation limit under the new SoHO Regulation.

Implementation of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

April 2024 – ESHRE, as part of a large coalition of health stakeholder organisations, welcomes the agreement on the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation and provides key recommendations to ensure the EHDS will be implemented in a way that provides most added value for patients and European health systems.

Concerns about the draft text of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in trilogues

February 2024 – ESHRE, as part of a coalition of 35 large health stakeholder organisations representing patients, health professionals, researchers and industrial actors in the healthcare ecosystem at both European Union (EU) and Member State level, is expressing its shared concerns about the latest negotiations on the proposed Regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Legislative refinement of the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

December 2023, Brussels – ESHRE, as part of a large multi-stakeholder group, has issued a joint statement to alarm bells about the significant legislative shortcomings and uncertainties in the proposed Regulation for a European Health Data Space (EHDS).

Reaction to the Council’s position on the SoHO Regulation

November 2023 – ESHRE has welcomed the Council’s publication of its position on the Regulation on Substances of Human Origin (SoHO) and highlighted some aspects to be taken into account in further negotiations with the European Parliament.

Opt-out mechanism in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)

June 2023 – ESHRE has joined together with 31 other health stakeholders to develop specific recommendations for a potential opt-out mechanism in the future EHDS.

Amendments to the EU proposal on Substances of Human Origin (SoHO)

May 2023 – ESHRE has sent a letter to Members of the European Parliament to voice the position of MAR professionals on some of the amendments to the SoHO Regulation proposal that were tabled for a vote in the European Parliament.

EU legislation on Substances of Human Origin (SoHO)

January 2023 – ESHRE has welcomed the European Commission's proposal for a SoHO Regulation and actively voiced the views of MAR professionals on the elements of the proposal that should still be improved and clarified to ensure it brings maximum benefit to MAR patients, donors, and children born from MAR, as well as to professionals involved in MAR treatments.

European Health Data Space

October 2022 – ESHRE joined a group of 35 stakeholders in welcoming the European Commission’s proposal on the European Health Data Space and shares stakeholders’ recommendations on how to make the digital transformation a success across Europe.

Research and actions on infertility and MAR

June 2022 – ESHRE sets out several key topics related to infertility and MAR that should be considered for inclusion in research funding programmes, to advance the field of MAR as well as contribute to reducing the negative impacts of infertility.


May 2022 – ESHRE puts forward recommendations for responsible innovation, aiming to improve access to innovations for MAR patients, while at the same time ensuring the efficacy and safety of treatments.

Polygenic risk scores

February 2022 - ESHRE supports the position of ESHG on embryo selection based on polygenic risk scores


January 2022 - Europe needs registries to protect the intended parents, third-party donors and children born from Medically Assisted Reproduction

Revision of the EU legislation on Blood Tissues and Cells

June 2021 - ESHRE is actively involved to ensure that the specificities of medically assisted reproduction are considered and the voice of MAR professionals is heard in the revision of the EUTCD.

These position statements are directed at policy makers. For position statements directed at professionals, please go to this page