Join us in Paris for another remarkable Annual Meeting of ESHRE. Register here!

Frequently asked questions

Q: When can I become a member of ESHRE?

A: You can become a member of ESHRE at all times. Membership always starts at the beginning of the month and lasts for 12 or 36 months.

Q: How can I become a member of ESHRE?

A: To become a member of ESHRE, please use this membership form.


Q: Can we apply for institutional or corporate membership?

A: No, ESHRE membership is strictly personal.

Q: How can I check my membership status?

A: You can check your membership status here

Q: Where can I find my membership ID?

A: When logged in, you can find your membership ID on the membership overview page


Q: What does it cost to be an ESHRE member? 

A: There are two different membership categories (Ordinary & Allied professionals and students); the corresponding fees can be found here.

Q: Can I apply for allied professional and student membership?

A: Category 2 membership applies to: nurses / midwives, laboratory technicians / clinical embryologists (BSc level), counsellors / psychologists / social workers, undergraduate, graduate and medical students residents & research trainees. You will be requested to send a proof of status in the registration form. More info on the conditions for allied professionals and students can be found here



Q: What do you mean by “proof of status”?

A: When you apply for allied professional and student membership, we need a proof you indeed have student and/or allied professional status. You can use this form to proof your status. Don’t forget to ask your head of department to sign and stamp it.


Q: I want to change my payment method. How can I do this? 

A: Go to this page and click on the “pay now” button. You can select “bank transfer” or “credit card”. 

Q: I cannot renew my membership online. What should I do? 

A: Your membership probably expired. Please fill in the application form. If you cannot access this page, please send an e-mail in which you clearly mention your first name, last name, e-mail address and (previous) membership ID.

Q: How do I register a group of people for membership, where can I find the form?

A: Please go to this page and click on “add membership”. You can search for a member by membership ID or by entering a combination of name, e-mail address & country. You can also add a completely new member or you can select a member from a dropdown list whose membership you previously sponsored.