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ESHRE membership terms and conditions

I agree to the terms and conditions of membership. The information I have given is accurate and truthful. ESHRE can contact me on matters related to ESHRE membership. Membership is non-refundable and non-transferable. I will inform ESHRE immediately, should my contact details change at any time. I hereby authorize ESHRE to initiate electronic funds entries to my credit card. Should any membership deduction not be honoured by my bank for any reason, the membership will be invalid and I will be notified. This authorization to deduct funds remains in effect until ESHRE has received 30-day written notification from me indicating my desire to cancel my membership.


Membership categories 

 Ordinary membership

 70 Euro (for one year) 
 180 Euro (for three years)   

 Allied professional and student (*)   

 30 Euro (for one year)  
 90 Euro (for three years)

(*) Allied professional and student membership applies to nurses / midwives, laboratory technicians/clinical embryologists (BSc level), counsellors / psychologists / social workers, undergraduate, graduate and medical students residents and post-doctoral research trainees


Benefits ESHRE Membership

Click here


Terms of payment

Payment in Euro should be made in advance by one of the following means:

Credit Card
Print your name exactly as it appears on the credit card, indicate type of card (American Express, Eurocard/Mastercard or Visa), credit card number CVC code and expiration date.

Bank to bank transfer to ESHRE in Euro (*)
BELFIUS Private Banking, Karel Rogierplein 11, 1210 BRUSSEL, Belgium
Beneficiary's Name: De Europese Vereniging Voor Humane Reproductie En Embryologie I V Z W
International account number (IBAN): BE61 5522 5209 0217 - BIC: GKCCBEBB
National (Belgian) account number: 552-2520902-17

(*) Clearly mention your membership number (M20XX-XXXX) with the bank transfer. You can find this number on the proforma invoice that you will receive by e-mail after submitting the application/renewal form. Remittance should be free of charge to the recipient.



Members failing to pay their membership fee for one year will be automatically excluded from the ESHRE membership records.

ESHRE reserves the right to terminate a membership due to a member’s committed violation. Such a violation is seen as a behaviour which is harmful to the Society’s objectives or a delay in payment contribution for at least a year. The exclusion of a member is decided by the General Assembly of members on recommendation by the Executive Committee.

