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Terminology for describing normally-sited and ectopic pregnancies on ultrasound: recommendations for good practice

Ectopic pregnancy

A working group of selected ESHRE members of the ESHRE Special Interest Group Implantation and Early Pregnancy and invited experts prepared recommendations on the nomenclature of ectopic pregnancy, based on a survey among members of the SIG Implantation and Early Pregnancy regarding current practice and in accordance to the manual for good practice recommendations.

The present ESHRE document provides recommendations on the diagnosis of pregnancy location and the differentiation between normally and abnormally sited pregnancies on ultrasound. The document also provides recommendations on how to record morphology and how to measure ectopic pregnancies. The development of this terminology will help to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment.

The paper "Terminology for describing normally-sited and ectopic pregnancies on ultrasound: recommendations for good practice" is published in HROpen. In addition to the GPR paper, you can also download the review report

Working Group

WG EPGuideline

This recommendations for good practice paper was developed by the ESHRE Early Pregnancy Working Group (WG). The working group included embryologists with expertise in ectopic pregnancy. All members of the guideline development group were asked to declare possible conflicts of interest, view here.

On the picture from left to right: Nathalie Le Clef, Attila Jakab, Artur Ludwin, Davor Jurkovic, Tina Tellum, Emma Kirk and Mira Töyli.
Missing from this picture: Rachel Small, Thierry Van den Bosch, Pim Ankum

Supplementary data

External review report