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Recurrent Implantation Failure

ART treatments are accompanied with several challenges, one of which is Recurrent Implantation Failure (RIF).

In the paper “ESHRE Good Practice Recommendations on Recurrent Implantation Failure,” the ESHRE working group on RIF challenges the concept of RIF as currently accepted and provides a means of individualising its recognition to each specific patient context. Evidence supporting the different tests and treatments available is summarized with a recommendation on which tests/treatments could be recommended for use in ART clinics, and which can be considered. Many tests and treatments are listed as not recommended awaiting more research in high-quality studies verifying their efficacy and safety.

These recommendations aim to support the management of RIF in clinical practice and stimulate research on the topic.

Meet the working group

Guideline RIF working group


Supplementary data

Review report

Presentation paper @ ESHRE 2023

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