Guideline on the management of recurrent pregnancy loss
Issued: 1 February 2023
The updated guideline is now available. The guideline development group hope to ensure this guideline remains relevant and useful to clinical practice, with this updated edition reflecting the latest published studies in the field.
We believe this update will provide even more value to members who rely on the 2017 version for the care and management of women with recurrent pregnancy loss.
Please do not hesitate to provide feedback or ask questions by sending an e-mail to
Guideline development group

Meet the group who developed the ESHRE Guideline on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Mariëtte Goddijn (Co-ordinator), Ruth Bender Atik (Patient representative), Ole Bjarne Christiansen, Janine Elson, Astrid Marie Kolte, Sheena Lewis, Henriette Svarre Nielsen, Braulio Peramo, Siobhan Quenby, Marie-Louise van der Hoorn, Saskia Middeldorp (Thrombophilia), Saria Mcheik, Nathalie Vermeulen.