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Ultrasound in reproductive medicine

ESHRE Campus symposium
Maribor, Slovenia
7-8 March 2013

Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Safety and Quality in ART and supported by the Slovenian Society for Reproductive Medicine and the University Medical Center Maribor

Antral follicle count and follicle development in natural cycle- echographic evidence – Jure Knez (Slovenia)

Basic assessment of blood flow in uterus and ovaries . Clinical significance of perifollicular vascularization – Veljjko Vlaisavljević (Slovenia)

Can there be a role for telemedicine in medically assisted procreation – Jan Gerris (Belgium)

Ultrasonographic aspects of PCO and PCOS – Tatjana Motrenko (Montenegro)

Echographic monitoring of follicle growth in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation – Arianna D’Angelo (United Kingdom)

Ultrasound only protocols or estradiol in management of ovarian stimulation in IVF patients? – Human Fatemi (Belgium)

Ultrasonographic assessment of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome – Timur Gurgan (Turkey)

Pivotal first visit ultrasound scan in assessment of infertile patients – Petra De Sutter (Belgium)

Clinical significance of functional cysts and endometriotic cysts in ART patients – Nebojsa Radunovic (Serbia)

Congenital and acquired anomalies of uterus – Eda Bokal Vrtačnik (Slovenia)

Ultrasound in natural IVF cycle: is it good enough? – Renato Bauman (Croatia)

Clinical impact of 3D scanning pre- and after the operative treatment of septated uterus – Marco Gergolet (Italy)

Interventional ultrasound in IVF and IVM cycles – Vilma Kovac (Slovenia)

Echographic guided embryo transfer – Tonko Mardesic (Czech Republic)

Contrast salpingosonography in evaluation of tubal patency – Niek Exalto (The Netherlands) 

Early pregnancy after controlled ovarian hyperstimulation - Ilkka Järvelä (Finland) 

Early changes of endometrium after implantation - Rromana Dmitrovic (Croatia) 

Endometrial changes in endometriosis: do they affect implantation? – Antonis Makrigiannakis (Greece) 

Echographic assessment of subendometrial contraction – Jose Manuel Puente Agueda (Spain)

Ethical issues resulting from ultrasound screening in infertile patient before MAR treatment – Françoise Shenfield (United Kingdom) 

Qualification for sonographers in reproductive medicine – Jolieneke Schoonenberg-Pomper (The Netherlands) 

Training and quality assurance of ultrasound in reproductive medicine: the role of simulation – N. Amso (United Kingdom)