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Special Interest Group

Safety and Quality in ART

Welcome to the section dedicated to the Special Interest Group Safety and Quality in ART. Here you can read more about us, our activities and our recommended reading. 

Mission statement, aim and fields of interest

The aim of SQART is to educate and support assisted reproduction practitioners in developing and sustaining top quality fertility care. 
For us, the desired outcome of ART is a healthy baby and a safe treatment that respects the personal integrity of the patients.

SQART is committed to quality of care and safety of patients. We continuously strive to improve care, decrease errors and meet patients’ expectations by providing educational programs to support assisted reproduction practitioners in developing and sustaining top quality fertility care. SQART is tasked with improving fertility care worldwide, defining quality healthcare as doing the right thing at the right time in the right way to achieve the best possible outcome.

We network with other Special Interest Groups colleagues to promote the goal of improving medical care, patient satisfaction in all clinical and laboratory ART aspects and the wellbeing of children born after fertility treatments. This is why our steering committee members are a mix of clinicians, embryologists and quality managers. In addition, we participate to the development of ESHRE’s guidelines which aim to harmonize ART practices. An important part of our work is the interaction with our members, from whom we receive important feedback to help us in setting priorities for our tasks.  

The aim of SQART is to educate and support assisted reproduction practitioners in developing and sustaining top quality fertility care. For us, the desired outcome of ART is a healthy baby and a safe treatment that respects the personal integrity of the patients.

In other sections you can find: 

News about the SIG

  • ESHRE Guideline Female Fertility Preservation
    Read here >
  • Webinar "The long-term safety of ART: what do we know"
    View the recording >
  • Webinar "Going through the COVID-19 transition in the IVF lab: how can quality management help?"
    View the recording - Download Q&A's
  • Risk management via FMEA
    Read here >
  • Team oriented problem solving via 8D
    Read here >
  • Guide on Safety and quality of tissues and cells: free download possible!
    Read here >
  • The Vienna consensus on KPIs for the IVF laboratory! 
    Read here 
  • In ESHRE's online news magazine Focus on Reproduction you can read about the past and upcoming events 
    Read here >  

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