Celebrate with us the 40th anniversary of our Annual Meeting. Register here for ESHRE 2024.

Course description

Course type


Course description

The course explores the fascinating relationship between the human microbiome and reproductive health. In recent years, emerging research has highlighted the critical role of the microbiome in various aspects of reproductive biology, including fertility, pregnancy, and neonatal health. This course examines indepth the intricate interactions between the microbiome and reproductive processes. It will equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving field and provide insights into both diagnostic and treatment possibilities.


Target audience

Basic researchers and clinicians.


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

There is increasing evidence that the microbiome and reproduction are linked. This presents a new challenge for clinicians and researchers on how to deal with the impact of dysbiosis on all aspects of reproductive health. There is a great need for them to understand how to develop treatments and support patients.

The course will provide insights into new techniques to analyse the microbiome, diagnose dysbiosis and treat this imbalance that affects women worldwide. It will give an up-to-date overview of the knowledge generated by these approaches.


Innovative aspects

Translating basic and clinical research about the reproductive microbiome.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Discussions


The official language of the course is English.