Join us in Paris for another remarkable Annual Meeting of ESHRE. Register here!

ESHRE Campus on-demand

Here you will find the overview of the ESHRE Campus workshops for which you can still register on-demand. The recordings will remain available on eCampus to registered participants exclusively in the 6 months following the event. Please check the below content library and register for the one(s) you are interested in, if you haven't already.

The endometrium in ART: truth and fallacies of the black box of embryo implantation

An in-depth appraisal of the latest evidence on the endometrium and its role in IVF success.

eCampus, on-demand

registration open until 04 April 2025

Germ cells and gonads ex vivo: news, views and options

A campus covering advances in male and female germ cell development and differentiation, in vitro gametogenesis, and ex vivo methods of growing the gonad from animal models and humans, with a focus on ethical issues around germline genome editing.

eCampus, on-demand

registration open until 02 May 2025

The challenging ovary - innovative strategies and solutions

A comprehensive workshop on managing poor responders to ovarian stimulation with a focus on current and future strategies such as testosterone, PGT-A and egg donation.

eCampus, on-demand

registration open until 08 May 2025

New technology in the IVF lab

A comprehensive workshop on the latest technology for the IVF lab including non-invasive PGT-A, automatic vitrification, and AI for gamete and embryo selection; with hands-on sessions led by industry experts.

eCampus on-demand

registration open until 16 May 2025

The best route to IVF pregnancy

From suboptimal embryos to patient communication, this course will cover every aspect of modern IVF practice and how to improve quality of care.

eCampus on-demand

registration open until 07 June 2025

Endometriosis: a holistic perspective

This Campus provides a comprehensive overview of endometriosis management with a specific focus on the strengths and limitations of current practice in diagnosis, pharmacological treatment and surgery.

eCampus on-demand

registration open until 13 June 2025

The fate of supernumerary cryopreserved embryos

This forward-looking workshop offers a global overview of the considerations and moral debates around the use of surplus frozen embryos in the clinic and in research with a special emphasis on scientific advances in the field.

eCampus on-demand

registration open until 28 August 2025