How to make an individual registration

To register one person, please follow the individual registration procedure:
1. Log in to access the individual registration portal

Always log in with your own, personal account!
You can complete multiple registrations under your account. Either for yourself and/or someone else. There is no need to create a new or use another person’s account. In case you do not have an account, please create one
here first.
2. Make your individual registration
Logged in? You can now start with the online registration process.
Go through each step by entering all mandatory fields:
Contact details
The system will automatically take the details of the person who logged in as the contact person. All correspondence will go through this person.
Invoice address
Make sure that all details are entered correctly. These details will be used on the final invoice. Keep in mind that it will not be possible to make any changes once the final invoice has been sent.
Participant and profile
Fill in the participant’s details (this is the person who will attend the event). It is possible that this is the same person or a different person from the contact person (first step).
Clearly indicate whether the participant will attend the annual meeting in person in Paris or virtually. We understand that your choice might change at a later stage due to the ongoing situation. Please be informed that this option can be modified at any time. Several e-mails will be sent afterwards to verify your choice.
Select fee and PCCs
Indicate the type of programme you (the participant) wants to attend. You have the following options:
- Main programme (with or without Precongress course)
- Precongress course only
- Visitor (Exhibit only)
In case you want to register for the main programme only, select the first option (Main programme) and select ‘I will not attend a PCC’ on the next page.
If you are interested in the full programme (Main programme AND the Precongress course), first select the option ‘Main programme’ and then select an additional Precongress course on the next page.
If you are only interested in the Precongress courses, then select the second option ‘Precongress course only’ and select the preferred option on the next page.
The Visitor (Exhibit Only) gives only access to the exhibition. NOT the scientific programme.
You cannot access the main programme or precongress courses with this type of registration!
Payment Method
Select your preferred payment method and complete your registration.
ESHRE accepts payment by bank transfer and credit card (Visa – Mastercard – American Express).
Payments by bank transfer will only be possible until Friday, 25 April 2025 for early registrations and Friday 23 May 2025 for standard registrations. Afterwards, payments can only be done by credit card.
Keep in mind that your registration is only final once ESHRE has received and processed the full payment. For urgent matters (fi: close to a deadline) we strongly recommend to pay by credit card as this will be the fastest way to finalise your registration.
In order for ESHRE to easily trace your payment, please include your registration number (PAR25-****) in the description of your transfer. You can download the invoicing and bank data here.
3. Preliminary confirmation letter
A preliminary confirmation is sent automatically by e-mail to the participant. This does not mean your registration is finalised!
Keep in mind that a registration is only finalised once it has been accompanied with payment! Payments should be received by the corresponding deadline. Failure to do so will automatically push the registration to the higher registration rate. All registration fee deadlines can be found here.
4. Manage your registration
You can manage your registration at any time, by going back into the individual registration portal online. Simply select the registration and click on the button ‘Manage registration’. This will bring you back through the registration procedure where you can modify and/or add sessions, make an additional registration or finalise payment.
5. Invitation letter
An invitation letter might be needed if you are planning to attend the annual meeting in person in Amsterdam. A button to download the invitation letter will become visible once a registration has been finalised with payment.
You can download your own personal invitation letter by clicking that button and entering the requested details (date of birth and passport number).
6. Official confirmation letter
Your registration is finalised once you have received the official confirmation letter (keep in mind that this is different from the preliminary confirmation letter – see nr. 3 above).
The official confirmation letter is sent to the participant by e-mail. This document will be sent after finalizing the registration with payment and again closer to the start of the annual meeting.