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Lecture handouts ESHRE Campus 2019

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Addressing the "extremes" in ovarian stimulation: New tools for poor and hyper responders

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Bucharest, Romania
12 - 13 December 2019

Unequal access to infertility care: causes and solutions

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Global and Socio-cultural aspects of infertility
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
29-30 November 2019

Genes vs Children: genetic inheritance and options in fertility care

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Andrology
Bilbao, Spain
22-23 November 2019

Embryo innovation: the legacy of the past and visions of the future

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Embryology
Bratislava, Slovakia
07-09 November 2019

The ESHRE Guideline on Ovarian Stimulation: do we have agreement?

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Barcelona, Spain
31 October-01 November 2019

Quality Management in ART: new and practical insights from old concepts

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Safety and Quality in ART
Palermo, Italy
24-26 October 2019

Deep endometriosis – from pathophysiology to clinic

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Reproductive Surgery and Endometriosis & Endometrial Disorders
Münster, Germany
16-17 September 2019



Genomics and embryo selection in assisted reproduction

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Genetics
Athens, Greece
12-14 September 2019

The new international PCOS Guideline: tying up loose ends

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Bilbao, Spain 
23-24 May 2019 

Top quality in micromanipulation: everything you always wanted to know about ICSI and embryo biopsy

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Safety and Quality in ART & Embryology
Ghent, Belgium
16-18 May 2019


Fertility preservation in children and adolescents: the next frontier

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law and Fertility Preservation
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
09-10 May 2019

Gene editing tools in reproductive medicine

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Stem Cells and Reproductive Genetics
Lisbon, Portugal
02-03 May 2019

Fertility care and sexuality - dilemmas and guidelines for daily practice

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law, Psychology and Counselling and Nurses and Midwives
Berlin, Germany
12-13 April 2019

The impact of physical and chemical factors on human embryo culture

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Embryology
Salzburg, Austria
04-06 April 2019

Male factor infertility: the broad picture

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Andrology
Ghent, Belgium
29-30 March 2019

Gynaecological pathologies at adolescence

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Surgery
Alicante, Spain
21-23 February 2019