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Lecture handouts ESHRE Campus 2018

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Uterine fibroids and heavy menstrual bleeding

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders and Reproductive Surgery
Berlin, Germany
03-04 December 2018


Reproductive Immunology

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Implantation and Early Pregnancy
Innsbruck, Austria
23-24 November 2018

Campus Course to prepare Nurses and Midwives for Certification

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Nurses and Midwives
Florence, Italy
09-11 November 2018

The Holy Grail of gamete and embryo assessment

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Embryology 
Nice, France
01-03 November 2018

Optimizing fertility preservation for women

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Reproductive Endocrinology & Fertility Preservation Copenhagen, Denmark
25-26 October 2018 

How does endometriosis cause pain?

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders
Copenhagen, Denmark
27-28 September 2018

In Vitro Modelling: from embryo to gametes

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Stem Cells
Bilbao, Spain
20-21 September 2018


The luteal phase: the neglected part of assisted reproduction?

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
Hamburg, Germany 
25-26 May 2018

Evidence-based practice in the IVF laboratory

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Embryology
Athens, Greece
17-19 May 2018

The future fertility of women cancer survivors

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Safety and Quality in ART
Tbilisi, Georgia
03-05 May 2018

Current approaches in genetics and reproduction

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Genetics
Sofia, Bulgaria
26-28 April 2018


Communication with patients and information provision

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Nurses and Midwives
London, United Kingdom
15-17 March 2018 


Male fertility preservation: how close are we to clinical practice?

ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Andrology and Fertility Preservation 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
08-09 March 2018


Access and diversity of medically assisted reproduction in Europe

Council of Europe Meeting
Strasbourg, France
22-23 February 2018 


Egg donation: medical, psychological and ethical considerations

ESHRE Campus Symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics & Law, Psychology and Counselling and Socio-cultural aspects of (in)fertility 
Barcelona, Spain
26-27 January 2018