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The management of infertility – training workshop for junior doctors, paramedicals and embryologists 

ESHRE Campus symposium
Kiev, Ukraine
26-27 May 2010

Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Reproductive Endocrinology and Embryology and the ESHRE Paramedical Group 


Speaker handouts


Epidemiology of infertility - Valeriy Zukin (Ukraine)

Ovarian aging and tests of ovarian reserve - Richard Anderson (United Kingdom)

Investigation of infertility and making a diagnosis - Raj Mathur (United Kingdom)

Procedures: scanning, egg collection, embryo transfer - Jolieneke Schoonenberg-Pomper (The Netherlands)

Anovulation and PCOS – diagnosis and management - Adam Balen (United Kingdom)

Ovulation induction for anovulation - Adam Balen (United Kingdom)

The semen analysis and sperm preparation - Rachel Levy (France)

Optimising fertilisation and embryo culture - Cristina Magli (Italy)

The dangers of multiple pregnancy and elective SET - Petra De Sutter (Belgium)

OHSS - Raj Mathur (United Kingdom)

Male infertility and surgical sperm retrieval/ICSI - Rachel Levy (France)

Quality control in the ART Unit - Peter Kastrop (The Netherlands)

Other laboratory technologies: Fertility preservation (oocyte freezing etc...) PGD, PGS... - Cristina Magli (Italy)

Infertility counselling - when should it be recommended and how can it support couples? - Petra Thorn (Germany)


The egg donors’ preparation: sufficiency and effectiveness - Kushniruk Nataliya, M.D.


The value of mini-hysteroscopy prior to IVF - Livshyts I.V., MD, PhD