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Recommended reading

Fertility treatment, wellbeing & mental-health

Boivin, J. (2019). How does stress, depression and anxiety affect patients undergoing treatment? Obstet gynecol, 31(3), 195-9.

Boivin, J., Griffiths, E., & Venetis, C. A. (2011). Emotional distress in infertile women and failure of assisted reproductive technologies: meta-analysis of prospective psychosocial studies. BMJ, 342, d223. 10.1136/bmj.d223

Domar, A., Gordon, K., Garcia-Velasco, J., La Marca, A., Barriere, P., & Beligotti, F. (2012). Understanding the perceptions of and emotional barriers to infertility treatment: a survey in four European countries. Hum Reprod, 27(4), 1073-9.

French, L. R., Sharp, D. J., & Turner, K. M. (2015). Antenatal needs of couples following fertility treatment: a qualitative study in primary care. Br J Gen Pract, 65(638), e570-7.

Gameiro, S., & Finnigan, A. (2017). Long-term adjustment to unmet parenthood goals following ART: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update, 23(3), 322-37.

Gameiro, S., van den Belt-Dusebout, A. W., Smeenk, J. M., Braat, D. D., van Leeuwen, F. E., & Verhaak, C. M. (2016). Women's adjustment trajectories during IVF and impact on mental health 11-17 years later. Hum Reprod, 31(8), 1788-98.

Hammarberg, K., Astbury, J., & Baker, H. (2001). Women’s experience of IVF: a follow-up study. Hum Reprod, 16(2), 374-83.

Martins, M. V., Basto-Pereira, M., Pedro, J., Peterson, B., Almeida, V., Schmidt, L., & Costa, M. E. (2016). Male psychological adaptation to unsuccessful medically assisted reproduction treatments: a systematic review. Hum Reprod Update, 22(4), 466-78.

Moura-Ramos, M., Gameiro, S., Canavarro, M.C., Soares, I., & Santos, T.A. (2012). The indirect effect of contextual factors on the emotional distress of infertile couples. Psychol Health, 27(5), 533-49.

Pedro, J., Canavarro, M. C., Boivin, J., & Gameiro, S. (2013). Positive experiences of patient-centred care are associated with intentions to comply with fertility treatment: findings from the validation of the Portuguese version of the PCQ-Infertility tool. Hum Reprod, 28(9), 2462-72.

Pedro, J., Vassard, D., Malling, G. M. H., Hougaard, C. O., Schmidt, L., & Martins, M. V. (2019). Infertility-related stress and the risk of antidepressants prescription in women: a 10-year register study. Hum Reprod, 34(8), 1505-13.

Rockliff, H. E., Lightman, S. L., Rhidian, E., Buchanan, H., Gordon, U., & Vedhara, K. (2014). A systematic review of psychosocial factors associated with emotional adjustment in in vitro fertilization patients. Hum Reprod Update, 20(4), 594-613.

Rumbold, A. R., Moore, V. M., Whitrow, M. J., Oswald, T. K., Moran, L. J., Fernandez, R. C., Barnhart, K. T., & Davies, M. J. (2017). The impact of specific fertility treatments on cognitive development in childhood and adolescence: a systematic review. Hum Reprod, 32(7), 1489-507.

Sobral, M. P., Costa, M. E., Schmidt, L., & Martins, M. V. (2017). COMPI Fertility Problem Stress Scales is a brief, valid and reliable tool for assessing stress in patients seeking treatment. Hum Reprod, 32(2), 375-82.

Tallandini, M. A., Zanchettin, L., Gronchi, G., & Morsan, V. (2016). Parental disclosure of assisted reproductive technology (ART) conception to their children: a systematic and meta-analytic review. Hum Reprod, 31(6), 1275-87.

Verhaak, C. M., Lintsen, A. M., Evers, A. W., & Braat, D. D. (2010). Who is at risk of emotional problems and how do you know? Screening of women going for IVF treatment. Hum Reprod, 25(5), 1234-40.

Verhaak, C. M., Smeenk, J. M., van Minnen, A., Kremer, J. A., & Kraaimaat, F. W. (2005). A longitudinal, prospective study on emotional adjustment before, during and after consecutive fertility treatment cycles. Hum Reprod, 20(8), 2253-60.

Wijs, L. A., Doherty, D. A., Keelan, J. A., Burton, P., Yovich, J. L., Robinson, M., & Hart, R. J. (2022). Mental health and behavioural problems in adolescents conceived after ART. Hum Reprod, deac214.

Wischmann, T., Korge, K., Scherg, H., Strowitzki, T., & Verres, R. (2012). A 10-year follow-up study of psychosocial factors affecting couples after infertility treatment. Hum Reprod, 27(11), 3226-32.

Zhang, X., Deng, X., Mo, Y., Li, Y., Song, X., & Li, H. (2021). Relationship between infertility-related stress and resilience with posttraumatic growth in infertile couples: gender differences and dyadic interaction. Hum Reprod, 36(7), 1862-70.

Fertility knowledge & awareness

Boivin, J., Bunting, L., & Gameiro, S. (2013). Cassandra's prophecy: a psychological perspective. Why we need to do more than just tell women. Reprod Biomed Online, 27(1), 11-4.

Bracewell-Milnes, T., Holland, J. C., Jones, B. P., Saso, S., Almeida, P., Maclaran, K., Norman-Taylor, J., Nikolaou, D., Shah, N. M., Johnson, M., & Thum, M. Y. (2021). Exploring the knowledge and attitudes of women of reproductive age from the general public towards egg donation and egg sharing: a UK-based study. Hum Reprod, 36(8), 2189-2201.

Bunting, L., Tsibulsky, I., & Boivin, J. (2013). Fertility knowledge and beliefs about fertility treatment: findings from the International Fertility Decision-making Study. Hum Reprod, 28(2), 385-97.

Chan, C. H., Chan, T. H., Peterson, B. D., Lampic, C., & Tam, M. Y. (2015). Intentions and attitudes towards parenthood and fertility awareness among Chinese university students in Hong Kong: a comparison with Western samples. Hum Reprod, 30(2), 364-72.

Devroe, J., Peeraer, K., D'Hooghe, T. M., Boivin, J., Laenen, A., Vriens, J., & Dancet, E. A. F. (2022). Great expectations of IVF patients: the role of gender, dispositional optimism and shared IVF prognoses. Hum Reprod, 37(5), 997-1006.

Harper, J. C., Hammarberg, K., Simopoulou, M., Koert, E., Pedro, J., Massin, N., Fincham, A., Balen, A., & International Fertility Education, I. (2021). The International Fertility Education Initiative: research and action to improve fertility awareness. Hum Reprod Open, 2021(4), hoab031.

Koert, E., Sylvest, R., Vittrup, I., Hvidman, H. W., Birch Petersen, K., Boivin, J., Nyboe Andersen, A., & Schmidt, L. (2020). Women's perceptions of fertility assessment and counselling 6 years after attending a Fertility Assessment and Counselling clinic in Denmark. Hum Reprod Open, 2020(4), hoaa036.

Lampic, C., Svanberg, A. S., Karlstrom, P., & Tyden, T. (2006). Fertility awareness, intentions concerning childbearing, and attitudes towards parenthood among female and male academics. Hum Reprod, 21(2), 558-64.

Martins, M. V., Fernandes, J., Pedro, J., Barros, A., Xavier, P., Schmidt, L., & Costa, M. E. (2022). Effects of trying to conceive using an every-other-day strategy versus fertile window monitoring on stress: a 12-month randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod, deac228.

Pasch, L. A., Holley, S. R., Bleil, M. E., Shehab, D., Katz, P. P., & Adler, N. E. (2016). Addressing the needs of fertility treatment patients and their partners: are they informed of and do they receive mental health services? Fertil Steril, 106(1), 209-215.E2.

Pedro, J., Brandao, T., Schmidt, L., Costa, M. E., & Martins, M. V. (2018). What do people know about fertility? A systematic review on fertility awareness and its associated factors. Ups J Med Sci, 123(2), 71-81.

Peterson, B. D., Pirritano, M., Tucker, L., & Lampic, C. (2012). Fertility awareness and parenting attitudes among American male and female undergraduate university students. Hum Reprod, 27(5), 1375-82.

Sylvest, R., Koert, E., Vittrup, I., Birch Petersen, K., Hvidman, H. W., Hald, F., & Schmidt, L. (2018). Men's expectations and experiences of fertility awareness assessment and counseling. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 97(12), 1471-7.

Fertility decision-making

Baysal, O., Bastings, L., Beerendonk, C. C., Postma, S. A., IntHout, J., Verhaak, C. M., Braat, D. D., & Nelen, W. L. (2015). Decision-making in female fertility preservation is balancing the expected burden of fertility preservation treatment and the wish to conceive. Hum Reprod, 30(7), 1625-34.

Chan, C. H., Lau, H. P., Tam, M. Y., & Ng, E. H. (2016). A longitudinal study investigating the role of decisional conflicts and regret and short-term psychological adjustment after IVF treatment failure. Hum Reprod, 31(12), 2772-80.

Ehrbar, V., Urech, C., Alder, J., Harringer, K., Zanetti Dallenbach, R., Rochlitz, C., & Tschudin, S. (2016). Decision-making about fertility preservation-qualitative data on young cancer patients' attitudes and needs. Arch Womens Ment Health, 19(4), 695-9.

Ehrbar, V., Germeyer, A., Nawroth, F., Dangel, A., Findeklee, S., Urech, C., Rochlitz, C., Stiller, R., & Tschudin, S. (2021). Long-term effectiveness of an online decision aid for female cancer patients regarding fertility preservation: Knowledge, attitude, and decisional regret. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 100(6), 1132-9.

Ehrbar, V., Urech, C., Rochlitz, C., Zanetti Dallenbach, R., Moffat, R., Stiller, R., Germeyer, A., Nawroth, F., Dangel, A., Findeklee, S., & Tschudin, S. (2019). Randomized controlled trial on the effect of an online decision aid for young female cancer patients regarding fertility preservation. Hum Reprod, 34(9), 1726-34.

Gameiro, S., Boivin, J., Peronace, L., & Verhaak, C. M. (2012). Why do patients discontinue fertility treatment? A systematic review of reasons and predictors of discontinuation in fertility treatment. Hum Reprod Update, 18(6), 652-69.

Harrison, C., Gameiro, S., & Boivin, J. (2021). Patient willingness, preferences and decision-making about planning for three complete cycles of IVF/ICSI treatment. Hum Reprod, 36(5), 1339-52.

Jones, G., Hughes, J., Mahmoodi, N., Smith, E., Skull, J., & Ledger, W. (2017). What factors hinder the decision-making process for women with cancer and contemplating fertility preservation treatment? Hum Reprod Update, 23(4), 433-57.

Passet-Wittig, J., & Greil, A. L. (2021). Factors associated with medical help-seeking for infertility in developed countries: A narrative review of recent literature. Soc Sci Med, 277, 113782.

Peate, M., Meiser, B., Friedlander, M., Zorbas, H., Rovelli, S., Sansom-Daly, U., Sangster, J., Hadzi-Pavlovic, D., & Hickey, M. (2011). It's now or never: fertility-related knowledge, decision-making preferences, and treatment intentions in young women with breast cancer--an Australian fertility decision aid collaborative group study. J Clin Oncol, 29(13), 1670-7.

Peddie, V. L., Porter, M. A., Barbour, R., Culligan, D., MacDonald, G., King, D., Horn, J., & Bhattacharya, S. (2012). Factors affecting decision making about fertility preservation after cancer diagnosis: a qualitative study. BJOG, 119(9), 1049-57.

Peterson, B. (2017). A validated measure for fertility awareness: an essential step toward informed reproductive decision-making. Fertil Steril, 108(4), 606-7.

Rauprich, O., Berns, E., & Vollmann, J. (2011). Information provision and decision-making in assisted reproduction treatment: results from a survey in Germany. Hum Reprod, 26(9), 2382-91.

Vassard, D., Lund, R., Pinborg, A., Boivin, J., & Schmidt, L. (2012). The impact of social relations among men and women in fertility treatment on the decision to terminate treatment. Hum Reprod, 27(12), 3502-12.

Mills, M, Rindfuss, R. R., McDonald, P., & te Velde E., and on behalf of the ESHRE Reproduction and Society Task Force (2011). Why do people postpone parenthood? Reasons and social policy incentives. Hum Reprod Update, 17(6), 848-60.

Schmidt,L., Sobotka, T., Bentzen, J.G., and Nyboe Andersen A. (2012). Demographic and medical consequences of the postponement of parenthood. Hum Reprod Update, 18(1), 29-43.

Kearney, A. L., & White, K. M. (2016). Examining the psychosocial determinants of women’s decisions to delay childbearing. Hum Reprod, 31(8), 1776-87.

Ali, Z. E., Fraire-Zamora, J. J., Uraji, J., Makieva, S., Massarotti, C., Mincheva, M., Ammar, O. F., Llacer, J., Martins, M. V., Moura-Ramos, M., Wang, R., & Kohlhepp, F. (2022). #ESHREjc report: Discrete choice experiments and patient decision-making in ART. Hum Reprod, 37(4), 873-5.


Fertility counselling & psychosocial interventions

Bai, C. F., Cui, N. X., Xu, X., Mi, G. L., Sun, J. W., Shao, D., Li, J., Jiang, Y. Z., Yang, Q. Q., Zhang, X., & Cao, F. L. (2019). Effectiveness of two guided self-administered interventions for psychological distress among women with infertility: a three-armed, randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod, 34(7), 1235-48.

Bailey, S., Boivin, J., Cheong, Y., Bailey, C., Kitson-Reynolds, E., & Macklon, N. (2020). Effective support following recurrent pregnancy loss: a randomized controlled feasibility and acceptability study. Reprod Biomed Online, 40(5), 729-42.

Blyth, E. (2012). Guidelines for infertility counselling in different countries: Is there an emerging trend? Hum Reprod, 27(7), 2046-57.

Boivin, J. (2003). A review of psychosocial interventions in infertility. Soc Sci Med, 57(12), 2325-41.

Boivin, J., Domar, A. D., Shapiro, D. B., Wischmann, T. H., Fauser, B. C., & Verhaak, C. (2012). Tackling burden in ART: an integrated approach for medical staff. Hum Reprod, 27(4), 941-50.

Boivin, J., & Gameiro, S. (2015). Evolution of psychology and counseling in infertility. Fertil steril, 104(2), 251-9.

Dancet, E. A., D'Hooghe, T. M., Sermeus, W., van Empel, I., Strohmer, H., Wyns, C., Santa-Cruz, D., Nardo, L. G., Kovatchki, D., Vanlangenakker, L., Garcia-Velasco, J., Mulugeta, B., Nelen, W. L., & Kremer, J. A. (2012). Patients from across Europe have similar views on patient-centred care: an international multilingual qualitative study in infertility care. Hum Reprod, 27(6), 1702-11.

Dancet, E. A., Nelen, W. L., Sermeus, W., De Leeuw, L., Kremer, J. A., & D'Hooghe, T. M. (2010). The patients' perspective on fertility care: a systematic review. Hum Reprod Update, 16(5), 467-487.

Daniluk, J. C., & Koert, E. (2015). Fertility awareness online: the efficacy of a fertility education website in increasing knowledge and changing fertility beliefs. Hum Reprod, 30(2), 353-63.

Deshpande, N. A., Braun, I. M., & Meyer, F. L. (2015). Impact of fertility preservation counseling and treatment on psychological outcomes among women with cancer: A systematic review. Cancer, 121(22), 3938-47.

Domar, A. D., Gross, J., Rooney, K., & Boivin, J. (2015). Exploratory randomized trial on the effect of a brief psychological intervention on emotions, quality of life, discontinuation, and pregnancy rates in in vitro fertilization patients. Fertil steril, 104(2), 440-51.

Evans, S., Fernandez, S., Olive, L., Payne, L. A., & Mikocka-Walus, A. (2019). Psychological and mind-body interventions for endometriosis: A systematic review. J Psychosom Res, 124, 109756.

Farshi, N., Hasanpour, S., Mirghafourvand, M., & Esmaeilpour, K. (2020). Effect of self-care counselling on depression and anxiety in women with endometriosis: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 391.

Fonseca, A., Pereira, M., Araújo-Pedrosa, A., Gorayeb, R., Moura Ramos, M., & Canavarro, M. C. (2018). Be a Mom: Formative Evaluation of a Web-Based Psychological Intervention to Prevent Postpartum Depression. Cogn Behav Pract, 25(4), 473-95.

Frederiksen, Y., O'Toole, M. S., Mehlsen, M. Y., Hauge, B., Elbaek, H. O., Zachariae, R., & Ingerslev, H. J. (2017). The effect of expressive writing intervention for infertile couples: a randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod, 32(2), 391-402.

Galhardo, A., Cunha, M., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2013). Mindfulness-Based Program for Infertility: efficacy study. Fertil Steril, 100(4), 1059-67.

Galhardo, A., Moura-Ramos, M., Cunha, M., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. How Does the Mindfulness-Based Program for Infertility (MBPI) Work in Reducing Depressive Symptoms?. Mindfulness, 9(2), 629-35.

Gameiro, S., Boivin, J., Dancet, E., de Klerk, C., Emery, M., Lewis-Jones, C., Thorn, P., Van den Broeck, U., Venetis, C., Verhaak, C. M., Wischmann, T., & Vermeulen, N. (2015). ESHRE guideline: routine psychosocial care in infertility and medically assisted reproduction-a guide for fertility staff. Hum Reprod, 30(11), 2476-85.

Garcia, D., Vassena, R., Prat, A., & Vernaeve, V. (2016). Increasing fertility knowledge and awareness by tailored education: a randomized controlled trial. Reprod Biomed Online, 32(1), 113-20.

Hughes, E. G., & da Silva, A. M. (2011). A pilot study assessing art therapy as a mental health intervention for subfertile women. Hum Reprod, 26(3), 611-5.

Lancastle, D., & Boivin, J. (2008). A feasibility study of a brief coping intervention (PRCI) for the waiting period before a pregnancy test during fertility treatment. Hum Reprod, 23(10), 2299-307.

Lemmens, G. M., Vervaeke, M., Enzlin, P., Bakelants, E., Vanderschueren, D., D'Hooghe, T., & Demyttenaere, K. (2004). Coping with infertility: a body-mind group intervention programme for infertile couples. Hum Reprod, 19(8), 1917-23.

Logan, S., & Anazodo, A. (2019). The psychological importance of fertility preservation counseling and support for cancer patients. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 98(5), 583-97.

Maeda, E., Nakamura, F., Kobayashi, Y., Boivin, J., Sugimori, H., Murata, K., & Saito, H. (2016). Effects of fertility education on knowledge, desires and anxiety among the reproductive-aged population: findings from a randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod, 31(9), 2051-60.

Pedro, J., Fernandes, J., Barros, A., Xavier, P., Almeida, V., Costa, M. E., Schmidt, L., & Martins, M. V. (2022). Effectiveness of a video-based education on fertility awareness: a randomized controlled trial with partnered women. Hum Fertil (Camb), 25(3), 522-33.

Petok, W. D. (2015). Infertility counseling (or the lack thereof) of the forgotten male partner. Fertil Steril, 104(2), 260-6.

Rowbottom, B., Galhardo, A., Donovan, E., & Gameiro, S. (2022). Feasibility randomized controlled trial of a self-guided online intervention to promote psychosocial adjustment to unmet parenthood goals. Hum Reprod, 37(10), 2412-25.

Sousa-Leite, M., Fernandes, M., Reis, S., Costa, R., Figueiredo, B., & Gameiro, S. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of psychosocial care for unsuccessful fertility treatment. Health Expect.

Sousa-Leite, M., Costa, R., Figueiredo, B., Gameiro, S. (2023). Discussing the possibility of fertility treatment being unsuccessful as part of routine care offered at clinics: patients’ experiences, willingness, and preferences, Hum Reprod, 38(7), 1332–1344.

van Dongen, A. J., Nelen, W. L., IntHout, J., Kremer, J. A., & Verhaak, C. M. (2016). e-Therapy to reduce emotional distress in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART): a feasibility randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod, 31(5), 1046-57.

Verkerk, E. W., Rake, E. A., Braat, D. D. M., Nelen, W., Aarts, J. W. M., & Kremer, J. A. M. (2022). The Tell me tool: The development and feasibility of a tool for person-centred infertility care. Health Expect, 25(3), 1081-93.

Verkuijlen, J., Verhaak, C., Nelen, W. L., Wilkinson, J., & Farquhar, C. (2016). Psychological and educational interventions for subfertile men and women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 3(3), CD011034.

Warne, E., Oxlad, M., & Best, T. (2022). Evaluating group psychological interventions for mental health in women with infertility undertaking fertility treatment: A systematic review and meta-Analysis. Health Psychol Rev, 1-25.

van den Broeck, U., Marysa, E., Wischmann, T., & Thorn, P. (2010). Counselling in infertility: individual, couple and group interventions. Patient Educ Couns 81(3), 422-8.


Fertility & COVID-19

Ashkenazi, M. S., Huseby, O. L., Kroken, G., Soto-Mota, A., Pents, M., Loschiavo, A., Lewandowska, R., Tran, G., & Kwiatkowski, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic and the consequential effect on patients with endometriosis. Hum Reprod Open, 2022(2), hoac013.

Ben-Kimhy, R., Youngster, M., Medina-Artom, T. R., Avraham, S., Gat, I., Marom Haham, L., Hourvitz, A., & Kedem, A. (2020). Fertility patients under COVID-19: attitudes, perceptions and psychological reactions. Hum Reprod, 35(12), 2774-83.

Boivin, J., Harrison, C., Mathur, R., Burns, G., Pericleous-Smith, A., & Gameiro, S. (2020). Patient experiences of fertility clinic closure during the COVID-19 pandemic: appraisals, coping and emotions. Hum Reprod, 35(11), 2556-66.

Carone, N., Manzi, D., Barone, L., Lingiardi, V., Baiocco, R., & Bos, H. M. W. (2021). Father-child bonding and mental health in gay fathers using cross-border surrogacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reprod Biomed Online, 43(4), 756-64.

Dong, M., Wu, S., Tao, Y., Zhou, F., & Tan, J. (2021). The Impact of Postponed Fertility Treatment on the Sexual Health of Infertile Patients Owing to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front Med (Lausanne), 8, 730994.

Emery, T., & Koops, J. C. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on fertility behaviour and intentions in a middle income country. PLoS One, 17(1), e0261509.

Gordon, J. L., & Balsom, A. A. (2020). The psychological impact of fertility treatment suspensions during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS One, 15(9), e0239253.

Kamath, M. S., Joseph, T., Karuppusami, R., Chinta, P., Pal, A., Nallamilli, S. R., Sarkar, S., Poobalan, A., & Kunjummen, A. T. (2021). Knowledge, anxiety levels and attitudes of infertile couples towards COVID-19 and its impact on self-funded fertility treatment: a cross-sectional questionnaire survey. Hum Reprod Open, 2021(4), hoab039.

Marom Haham, L., Youngster, M., Kuperman Shani, A., Yee, S., Ben-Kimhy, R., Medina-Artom, T. R., Hourvitz, A., Kedem, A., & Librach, C. (2021). Suspension of fertility treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: views, emotional reactions and psychological distress among women undergoing fertility treatment. Reprod Biomed Online, 42(4), 849-58.

Schwab, R., Stewen, K., Kottmann, T., Anic, K., Schmidt, M. W., Elger, T., Theis, S., Kalb, S. R., Brenner, W., & Hasenburg, A. (2022). Mental Health and Social Support Are Key Predictors of Resilience in German Women with Endometriosis during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Clin Med, 11(13, 3684.


Fertility Preservation

Argyle, C. E., Harper, J. C., & Davies, M. C. (2016). Oocyte cryopreservation: where are we now? Hum Reprod Update, 22(4), 440-9.

Bastings, L., Baysal, O., Beerendonk, C. C., IntHout, J., Traas, M. A., Verhaak, C. M., Braat, D. D., & Nelen, W. L. (2014). Deciding about fertility preservation after specialist counselling. Hum Reprod, 29(8), 1721-9.

Dahhan, T., van der Veen, F., Bos, A. M. E., Goddijn, M., & Dancet, E. A. F. (2021). The experiences of women with breast cancer who undergo fertility preservation. Hum Reprod Open, 2021(2), hoab018.

Deshpande, N. A., Braun, I. M., & Meyer, F. L. (2015). Impact of fertility preservation counseling and treatment on psychological outcomes among women with cancer: A systematic review. Cancer, 121(22), 3938-47.

Hodes-Wertz, B., Druckenmiller, S., Smith, M., & Noyes, N. (2013). What do reproductive-age women who undergo oocyte cryopreservation think about the process as a means to preserve fertility? Fertil Steril, 100(5), 1343-9.

Logan, S., & Anazodo, A. (2019). The psychological importance of fertility preservation counseling and support for cancer patients. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 98(5), 583-97.

Platts, S., Trigg, B., Bracewell-Milnes, T., Jones, B. P., Saso, S., Parikh, J., Nicopoullos, J., Almeida, P., Norman-Taylor, J., Nikolaou, D., Johnson, M., & Thum, M. Y. (2021). Exploring women's attitudes, knowledge, and intentions to use oocyte freezing for non-medical reasons: A systematic review. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 100(3), 383-93.

Provoost, V., Pennings, G., De Sutter, P., Gerris, J., Van de Velde, A., & Dhont, M. (2011). To continue or discontinue storage of cryopreserved embryos? Patients' decisions in view of their child wish. Hum Reprod, 26(4), 861-72.

Sousa-Leite, M., Figueiredo, B., Ter Keurst, A., Boivin, J., & Gameiro, S. (2019). Women's attitudes and beliefs about using fertility preservation to prevent age-related fertility decline-A two-year follow-up. Patient Educ Couns, 102(9), 1695-1702.

Stoop, D., Maes, E., Polyzos, N. P., Verheyen, G., Tournaye, H., & Nekkebroeck, J. (2015). Does oocyte banking for anticipated gamete exhaustion influence future relational and reproductive choices? A follow-up of bankers and non-bankers. Hum Reprod, 30(2), 338-44.

Stoop, D., Nekkebroeck, J., & Devroey, P. (2011). A survey on the intentions and attitudes towards oocyte cryopreservation for non-medical reasons among women of reproductive age. Hum Reprod, 26(3), 655-61.

Treves, R., Grynberg, M., Hesters, L., & Frydman, R. (2011). Fertility preservation in women with cancer: importance of a multidisciplinary approach. Women's Health, 7(5), 537-43.

Tschudin, S., & Bitzer, J. (2009). Psychological aspects of fertility preservation in men and women affected by cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Hum Reprod Update, 15(5), 587-97.



Culley, L., Law, C., Hudson, N., Denny, E., Mitchell, H., Baumgarten, M., & Raine-Fenning, N. (2013). The social and psychological impact of endometriosis on women's lives: a critical narrative review. Hum Reprod Update, 19(6), 625-39.

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