ESHRE Campus handouts
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law, Psychology Counselling and Stem Cells
Alicante, Spain | 28 February-01 March 2025
Registered participants can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus Workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law, Psychology Counselling and Safety Quality in ART
Prague, Czech Republic | 6-7 December 2024
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus Workshop organised by the ESHRE SIGs Psychology and Counselling, SIG Ethics & Law, SIG Global & Socio-cultural aspects of infertility
Lyon, France | 26-27 October 2023
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus organised by the ESHRE SIG Psychology and Counselling
Prague, Czech Republic | 10-11 March 2023
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Ethics and Law
14-15 October 2022 | Hybrid - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling, Reproductive Genetics and the ESHRE PGT Consortium
31 March - 01 April 2022 | Virtual event
Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Global & Socio-cultural aspects of infertility and Psychology and Counselling
02-03 December 2021 | Virtual event
Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here
ESHRE Campus workshop SIG Psychology and Counselling organised by the Special Interest Group Psychology and Counselling
28-29 January 2021 | Virtual event
ESHRE members and registered participants can access the recordings on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law and Psychology and Counselling
Leuven, Belgium
07-08 February 2020
ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Andrology
Bilbao, Spain
22-23 November 2019
ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law, Psychology and Counselling and Nurses and Midwives
Berlin, Germany
12-13 April 2019
ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Nurses and Midwives
London, United Kingdom
15-17 March 2018
Vienna, Austria
29-30 October 2016
SIG Andrology, SIG Ethics & Law, SIG Psychology & Counselling, SIG Socio-Cultural Aspects of (In)fertility and SIG Stem Cells
Münster, Germany
13-14 May 2016
Leuven, Belgium
24-25 September 2015
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
14-15 March 2014
Seville, Spain
22-23 September 2011
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3-4 December 2010
Basel, Switzerland
29 August 2009
Precongress Courses at the Annual Meeting of ESHRE
Every year the Psychology & Counselling Special Interest Group organises a one day course just prior to the start of the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). The following includes topics presented and discussed at past or upcoming Precongress Courses:
ESHRE 2021 Virtual
Precongress Course 9 “Fertility of hope”: a delicate balance for patients and providers
ESHRE 2019 Vienna
Precongress Course 8 The elusive male point of view - towards a deeper understanding of men’s roles in reproductive health and MAR treatments
ESHRE 2018 Barcelona
Precongress Course 6 Infertility engagement: innovative ways to engage multiple audiences with the topic of infertility and assisted reproduction
ESHRE 2017 Geneva
Precongress Course 5 Fertility awareness: what role does it play in preventing infertility?
ESHRE 2016 Helsinki
Precongress Course 10 Complex cases in infertility counselling: discovering new territories, implementing new techniques and creating new conversations
ESHRE 2015 Lisbon
Precongress Course 5 Global (In)fertility: cross-cultural challenges for counsellors
ESHRE 2014 Munich
Precongress Course 6 On seeking and finding the evidence
ESHRE 2013 London
Precongress Course 6 High standard psychosocial care in your clinic; how to implement new guidelines
ESHRE 2012 Istanbul
Precongress Course 6 The beast of burden”: how to manage the burden of fertility treatment
Stockholm 2011 - Theory and practice update in third party reproduction - Syllabus
Rome 2010 - Current developments and their impact on counselling - Syllabus
Amsterdam 2009 - "Counselling in fertility treatment: changing content and measuring effectiveness" - Syllabus
Barcelona 2008 - "Psycho-social counselling in fertility treatment" - Syllabus
Lyon 2007 - Syllabus
L. Hammer-Burns - Psychological counselling in reproductive medicine
L. Schmidt - Social and psychological consequences of ART
O.B. Christiansen - Medical aspects of pregnancy loss and recurring miscarriage
C. Hammond - Emotional aspects of pregnancy loss: the science behind emotions
A. Pinborg - Adverse outcome following vanishing twins
J. Denton - The impact of multiple preterm births
M. Camus - Motherhood beyond reproductive age
Prague 2006 - Syllabus
H. Klonoff-Cohen - How do psychosocial factors impact IVF/GIFT success rates?
T. Wischmann - Psychosocial interventions in infertility J. Boivin How do we assess our effectiveness as practicioners?
F. Rice - Follow-up of children conceived with fertility treatment.
J. Daniluk - Transition to biological childlessness.
P. Thorn - Outcomes for families using donated gametes.
Copenhagen 2005 - Syllabus
M. Emery - What ethical issues on the welfare of the child need to be addressed during psychological counseling?
H. Kentenich - Informed consent & counselling of people from different cultural and religous backgrounds
C. Verhaak - The psychology and ethics of treatment persistence
F. Shenfield - Who does the counsellor work for? European and legal perspective
Berlin 2004
E. Stener-Victorin - Acupuncture
H. Birch - Hypnotherapy
A. Brewaeys - The role of the donor in teenagers' family & self-concept
J. Scheib - Experiences of youth and sperm donors in an open-identity program
J. Hunt - Opening the record: Counselling issues in seeking origins information
Group discussions
P. Baetens - Surrogacy
C. Verhaak - Evidence-based interventions for infertility
L. Schmidt - Psychosocial aspects of pregnancy/delivery after ART
J. Bitzer - Therapeutic issues for infertility counseling
A. Ruby - Managing a donor identity release program: Sperm Bank of California
J. Ellis - Australian/New Zealand experiences with linking donor offspring with their donors
Madrid 2003
Lectures J. Boivin - Psychological preparation of patients
J. Meadowcroft - Smoking and pregnancy
H. Birch - Weight-loss and pregnancy
H. Kentenich - The role of the physician in counselling
D. Guerra - How to start-up counselling services in an infertilityclinic
Group discussions
J. Boivin - Infertile men
H. Kentenich - Multiple Pregnancies
P. Baetens - Third party reproduction
D. Guerra - Adoption
Vienna 2002
F. Facchinetti - Stress and reproduction in women
J. Boivin - Stress and reproduction in men
T. Wischmann - Psychogenic infertility: myths and facts
B. Strauss - Epidemiological aspects
J. Bitzer - Counselling in infertility
J.K. Fronk - Mind-Body Program
J.K. Fronk - Mind-Body program
. Strauss - Psychosomatic concepts in infertility
T. Wischmann - Psychological counselling at the end of treatment
J. Boivin & F. Facchinetti - How to measure stress in infertility?
H. Kentenich & P. Baetens - How to manage difficult patients
Lausanne, Switzerland - June 20th – July 4th 2001
M. Emery & M. Germond - Effects of pre-IVF counselling on emotional and social factors
L. Hammer-Burns - Counselling after successful treatment
. Boivin - Review of outcome studies on psychological interventions in infertility
L. Corrigan - Who should counsel?
M. Hammar - The counseling continuum from nurse to counsellor – a nurse's perspective
D. Guerra - The counseling continuum from nurse to counsellor – a counsellor's perspective
M.D. Beran & J. Darwish - How to manage difficult patients (exchange of experiences)
P. Thorn - Self-help groups and facilitated support groups for psychosocial care in infertility
J. Bitzer - Decision-making in treatment: The points of view of the couples and of the team
H. Kentenich - How to manage difficult patients (exchange of experiences)
F. Ansermet - The problems of the male patient in infertility treatment
P. Baetens - Counselling in third party reproduction
Tours, 1999
D.Ulrich, D. Gagel, H. Kentenich - Follow-up of parents after successful IVF and ICSI
J. Bitzer - What is counselling: Information and/or psychotherapy
S. Stoleru - Psychological factors and outcome of assisted conception Psychological factors and outcome of assisted conception
T. Appleton - Counselling in surrogacy
A. Moller - Sexuality and Sterility: Problems and possible solutions
Z. Papaligoura - Follow-up of parents and children
P. Kemeter - Difficulties in counselling
S. Stoleru - Psychological factors and outcome in IVF
A. Moller - Sexuality and sterility
P. Baetens - Difficulties in the counselling of sterile couples
Edinburgh, 1997
T. Marteau - Counselling after diagnosis of a fetal abnormality
E. Kentenich - Emotional fields in assisted reproductive medicine
T. Appelton - Counselling in assisted reproduction
P. Kemeter - Psychological impact of multiple births
B. Alder - Stressful medical procedures
S. Bell - Psychosexual aspects of subfertility
P. Brewaeys - Follow-up studies on children from lesbian couples
J. Baron - Changing nature of referrals in assisted conception
D.E. Gagel - Parents and children in assisted conception
P. Entwhistle - Men in subfertile relationships