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Recommended reading

The effectiveness of a collaborative infertility counseling (CIC) on pregnancy outcome in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a randomized trial
Mahboobeh Rasoulzadeh Bidgoli , Robab Latifnejad Roudsari and Ali Montazeri - BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth

Working With Infertile Couples Seeking Assisted Reproduction: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study With Infertility Care Providers
Federica Facchin, Daniela Leone, Giancarlo Tamanza, Mauro Costa, Patrizia Sulpizio, Elena Canzi and Elena Vegni - frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.586873

Esra Şahiner & İlkay Boz (2021): Experiences of women undergoing infertility treatment from embryo transfer until pregnancy test and their conceptualization of their embryo, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, DOI: 10.1080/0167482X.2020.1865909

Elective egg freezing: what is the vision of women around the globe
Susan Nasab, Lindsey Ulin, Chikara Nkele, Jaimin Shah, Mazen E Abdallah & Baha M Sibai - Future Science OA

Evaluation of an embryology and genetic testing patient counseling education intervention for reproductive endocrinology nurses
Allison B. Catherino, Colleen Halupa, Fady I. Sharara, Jason G Bromer, Brook Hayward & William H Caterino -

Professionals’ barriers in female oncofertility care and strategies for improvement
M van den Berg, Ö Baysal, W L D M Nelen, D D M Braat, C C M Beerendonk, R P M G Hermens

Patient-centered elective egg freezing: a binational qualitative study of best practices for women’s quality of care
Marcia C. Inhorn, Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli, Lynn M. Westphal, Joseph Doyle, Norbert Gleicher, Dror Meirow, Martha Dirnfeld, Daniel Seidman, Arik Kahane & Pasquale Patrizio Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics volume 36, pages1081–1090(2019)

The effect of physical activity on reproductive health outcomes in young women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Gabriela P. Mena, Gregore I. Mielke, and Wendy J. Brown doi:10.1093/humupd/dmz013

Effectiveness of two guided self-administered interventions for psychological distress among women with infertility: a three-armed, randomized controlled trial
Cai-Feng Bai, Nai-Xue Cui, Xian Xu, Guang-li Mi, Ji-Wei Sun, Di Shao,Jie Li, Yin-Zhi Jiang, Qian-Qian Yang, Xuan Zhang and Feng-Lin Cao doi:10.1093/humrep/dez066

Unraveling Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for High-Risk Couples: Implications for Nurses at the Front Line of Care
Patricia E. Hershberger, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC, , Catherine Schoenfeld, MSN, CNM, WHNP, Ilan Tur-Kaspa, MD 

Nurses’ experiences of undertaking fertility‐related discussions with teenagers and young adults with cancer: An interpretive phenomenological analysis 
Elaine Wright, Wendy Norton, Martyn Geary, dOI: 10.1111/jan.13804

Systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of preconception lifestyle interventions on fertility, obstetric, fetal, anthropometric and metabolic outcomes in men and women
L. Lan, C.L. Harrison, M. Misso, B. Hill, H.J. Teede, B.W. Mol and L.J. Moran, Human Reproduction, Vol.32, No.9 pp. 1925–1940, 2017

Nursing and midwifery students’ experiences with the course of infertility and assisted reproductive techniques: A focus group study from Turkey
Gozde Gokçe Isbira, Yeter Durgun Ozanb, Nurse Education in Practice Volume 28, January 2018, Pages 235-241 

Hope for the best …but expect the worst: a qualitative study to explore how women with recurrent miscarriage experience the early waiting period of a new pregnancy
Bailey SL, Boivin J, Cheong YC, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e029354. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029354

Analysis of patient and nurse preferences for self-administered FSH injection devices in select European markets
Pierre Zitoun, Jaya Parikh, Martine Nijs, Wenjie Zhang, Rachel Levy-Toledano International Journal of Women’s Health

Nurse evaluation of the redesigned fertility pen injector: a questionnaire-based observational survey
Joan Schertz & Hilary Worton (2018) Nurse evaluation of the redesigned fertility pen injector: a questionnaire-based observational survey, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 15:5, 435-442, DOI: 10.1080/17425247.2018.1450386

There is new evidence that online and face-to-face nurse education improves knowledge and decreases stress from IVF-patients. We advise you to read:

Vause TDR, Allison DJ, Vause T, Tekok-Kilic A, Ditor DS, Min JK. Comparison of a Web-Based Teaching Tool and Traditional Didactic Learning for In Vitro Fertilization Patients: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2017 Oct 17. pii: S1701-2163(17)30537-6

Of course there was also a nurse among the IVF-pioneers, she too must be named.
We advise you to read:

Gosden R. Jean Marian Purdy remembered - the hidden life of an IVF pioneer.
Hum Fertil (Camb). 2017 Sep 7:1-4.

We advise you to find out what patients want from us when confronted with early pregnancy complications:
van den Berg MMJ, Dancet EAF, Erlikh T, van der Veen F, Goddijn M, Hajenius PJ. Patient-centered early pregnancy care: a systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies on the perspectives of women and their partners. Hum Reprod Update. 2018 Jan 1;24(1):106-118.

We, nurses & midwives, have an important role in fertility preservation counselling. We advise you to read:
Krouwel EM, Nicolai MPJ, van Steijn-van Tol AQMJ, Putter H, Osanto S, Pelger
RCM, Elzevier HW. Fertility preservation counselling in Dutch Oncology Practice:
Are nurses ready to assist physicians? Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2017 Nov;26(6).
doi: 10.1111/ecc.12614.

Should embryo transfers be guided by ultrasound? We advise you to read:
Cozzolino M, Vitagliano A, Di Giovanni MV, Laganà AS, Vitale SG, Blaganje M, Drusany Starič K, Borut K, Patrelli TS, Noventa M. Ultrasound-guided embryo transfer: summary of the evidence and new perspectives: systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2018 Feb 15. pii: S1472-6483(18)30052-X.
doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2018.01.015.