Educational material
Welcome to the archive of the SIG Nurses and Midwives. Please login first. Access to these pages is limited to participants and in a later stage ESHRE members.
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Safety and Quality in ART, Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders and Nurses and Midwives
13-14 September 2024 | Krakow, Poland
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus Workshop organised by the ESHRE SIG Nursing and Midwifery
Brussels, Belgium | 08-09 February 2024
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus organised by the ESHRE SIGs Nursing and Midwifery & Safety and Quality in ART
Bucharest, Romania | 24-25 March 2023
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics & Law, Global & Socio-cultural aspects of infertility, Nursing and Midwifery and Safety and Quality in ART
24-26 November 2022 | Hybrid - Athens, Greece
Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Nursing and Midwifery
Paris, France | 15-17 Sep 2022
Registered participants can re-visit the course on eCampus
Precongress Course ESHRE 2021 Virtual
ESHRE members and registered participants can re-visit the course on eCampus
ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics & Law, Global & Socio-cultural aspects of infertility, Nursing and Midwifery and Safety and Quality in ART
19 November 2020 | Virtual event
ESHRE members and registered participants can re-visit the course here
Precongress Course ESHRE 2019 Vienna
ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics and Law, Psychology and Counselling and Nurses and Midwives
Berlin, Germany
12-13 April 2019
ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Group Nurses and Midwives
09-11 November 2018 | Florence, Italy
Precongress Course ESHRE 2018 Barcelona
ESHRE Campus symposium organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Nurses and Midwives
15-17 March 2018 | London, England