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ESHRE Ethical considerations

The ESHRE Ethics Committee initiated a review of all the Task Force Ethics & Law papers, with the aim of developing up-to-date ethical reflections of current themes in reproductive science and medicine.

- Ethical considerations on the moral status of the embryo and embryo-like structures

- Ethical considerations on surrogacy

Statements by the Task Force Ethics and Law

For more than a decade (from 2001 until 2014) the Task Force Ethics & Law produced a set of ethical statements on specific moral issues in the practice of ART. The articles listed below were published in the ESHRE journal “Human Reproduction” after approval by the Executive Committee.

The Ethics task force papers included here should be considered within the context of their time of publication. A review of all papers has been initiated by the ESHRE Ethics Committee.

Taskforce 23 Medically assisted reproduction in singles, lesbian and gay couples, and transsexual people (Updated statement in preparation)

Taskforce 22 Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (Updated statement in preparation)

Taskforce 21 Genetic screening of gamete donors: ethical issues

Taskforce 20 Sex selection for non-medical reasons 

Taskforce 19 Medically assisted reproduction within families   

Taskforce 18 Oocyte cryopreservation for age-related fertility loss 

Taskforce 17 Life style factors and access to assisted reproduction  

Taskforce 16 Providing infertility treatment in resource-poor countries

Taskforce 15 Cross-border reproductive care

Taskforce 14 Equity of access to assisted reproductive technology 

Taskforce 13 The welfare of the child in medically assisted reproduction 

Taskforce 12 Oocyte donation for non-reproductive purposes

Taskforce 11 Posthumous assisted reproduction

Taskforce 9 The application of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for human leukocyte antigen typing of embryos  

Taskforce 8 HIV

Taskforce 7 Cryo Preservation

Taskforce 6 Multiple Pregnancies

Taskforce 4 Stem cells

Taskforce 3 Gamete and embryo donation

Taskforce 2 The cryopreservation of human embryos