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Scarring in the female reproductive tract

ESHRE Campus symposium
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
5-6 February 2013

Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Endometriosis & Endometrium and Reproductive Surgery


Magnitude of the clinical problem of abdomino-pelvic adhesions/pain - the evidence baseCindy Farquhar (New Zealand)

Endometrial-peritoneal cross-talk and development of endometriosisChristian Becker (United Kingdom)

Pelvic injury due to infectionAndrew Horne (United Kingdom)

A circadian clock in inflammation and adhesion formation? Ying Cheong (United Kingdom)

Current methods for adhesion prevention Jasper Verguts (Belgium)

Transvaginal laparoscopy (TVL), diagnosis and operative treatment of subtle endometriotic lesions and adhesions Stephan Gordts (Belgium)

Complications due to endometriosis in laparoscopic surgery: How to manage and their preventionVasilis Tanos (Cyprus)

Impact of uterine adhesions on pregnancy outcome – Tin-Chiu Li (United Kingdom)

Differentiation of mesothelial cells – potential role in fibrosis – Sarah Herrick (United Kingdom)

Lessons from liver fibrosisJohn Iredale (United Kingdom)

Selective αv integrin deletion identifies a core, targetable molecular pathway that regulates fibrosis across solid organs - Neil Henderson (United Kingdom)

Keynote Speaker: Molecular mechanisms linking wound inflammation and fibrosis – Paul Martin (United Kingdom)