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Reproductive andrology:
linking laboratory to clinical practice


ESHRE Campus symposium

Thessaloniki, Greece

1-3 October 2009


Speaker handouts


Why gametes? Benefits and Consequences: Male reproductive physiology from the perspective of the spermatozoonU. Kvist (Sweden)


Reproductive physiology from the perspective of the ovumP. Sjöblom (Sweden)


Male reproductive disorders: gene-lifestyle-environment interaction?A. Giwercman (Sweden)


Health of children born after intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) B.C. Tarlatzis (Greece)


The new 5th WHO manual semen parameter reference values – do they help or hinder?R Menkveld (South Africa)


A new WHO manual – what must be done by the laboratories now? L. Björndahl (Sweden)


What analytic quality is essential in the interpretation of semen analyses?J. Castilla (Spain)


What should the clinician ask and look for in the initial consultation?T. Hargreave (United Kingdom)


Essentials in male sexual history takingS. Arver (Sweden)


Sperm functional tests – beyond the normalC. Barratt (United Kingdom)


Why test for oxidative stress and DNA (damage)S. Lewis (United Kingdom)


Sperm aneuploidy screening – is it indicated?D. Carrell (USA)


Minimal diagnostic clinical and laboratory procedures in men with reduced semen qualityK. Kamischke (Germany)


Inhibin-B and Antimüllerian Hormone as predictors of sperm retrieval through an FNA or TESE procedureD.G. Goulis (Greece)


Current recommendations for genetic testing in the infertile maleS. Repping, (The Netherlands)


Use of donor semen in the treatment of male infertilityM. Curfs (The Netherlands)


IUI in the treatment of male infertilityP. De Sutter (Belgium)


How to retrieve sperm in azoospermia for ARTH. Tournaye (Belgium)


Cryopreservation of semen: necessary or just useful?Th. Zeginiadou (Greece)


Possible use of stem cells in male fertility preservationH. Tournaye (Belgium)


Varicocele repair – What is the evidence?G. Dohle (The Netherlands)


Non-surgical treatment of the infertile maleM. Nikopoulou (Greece)


Diagnosis and treatment of male accessory gland infections (MAGI)W. Weidner (Germany)


Male circumcision and HIV prevention – protection for the individual or the population?T. Farley (Switzerland)


The new European Union directives and their implications on artDominique Royère (France)


Erectile dysfunctionDimitris Hatzichristou (Greece)