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Lecture recordings ESHRE Campus 2022

Implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss and endometrial disorders

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders and Implantation and Early Pregnancy
1-2 December 2022 | Hybrid - Vienna, Austria

Registered participants and members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Errors in ART

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Ethics & Law, Global & Socio-cultural aspects of infertility, Nursing and Midwifery and Safety and Quality in ART
24-26 November 2022 | Hybrid - Athens, Greece

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Exploring planet blastocyst and its universe

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Embryology
Rome, Italy | 27-28 October 2022

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



New approaches for understanding early human development

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Stem Cells
Belgrade, Serbia | 20-21 October 2022

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Polyparenthood – ethical, legal and psychological challenges

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling and Ethics and Law
14-15 October 2022 | Hybrid - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Male Reproductive Health

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Andrology / MRHI
Budapest, Hungary | 6-7 Oct 2022

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Fertility preservation for benign indications

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Fertility Preservation
Nice, France | 22-23 Sep 2022

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Endometriosis: What Nurses and Midwifes should know for their daily practice

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Nursing and Midwifery
Paris, France | 15-17 Sep 2022

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



The haute cuisine of the IVF laboratory

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Embryology
Barcelona, Spain | 26-28 May 2022

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Fibroid surgery; diagnosis, procedures and risks

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Surgery
12-14 May 2022 | Paphos, Cyprus

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here



A focus on the luteal phase: hormonal control of the window of implantation and beyond

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Reproductive Endocrinology
05-07 May 2022 | Hybrid - Lübeck, Germany

Registered participants can re-visit the course on eCampus here



Ovarian Endometriosis

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Group Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders
21-22 April 2022 | Virtual event 

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course here



Genetic counselling in preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)

ESHRE Campus workshop organised by the Special Interest Groups Psychology and Counselling, Reproductive Genetics and the ESHRE PGT Consortium
31 March - 01 April 2022 | Virtual event

Registered participants and ESHRE members can re-visit the course on eCampus here