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Poor ovarian response (POR)

ESHRE Campus symposium

Bologna, Italy, 19-20 March 2010


Organised by all ESHRE Special Interest Groups with the collaboration of the Task Force on Mild Stimulation

Speaker handouts


The role of the ESHRE SIGs in the advancement of knowledge in reproductive medicine - Soren Ziebe (Denmark )

Review of definitions - Anna Pia Ferraretti (Italy)

Review of predictive tests - Nick Macklon (UK)

Genetic factors - Bart Fauser (The Netherlands)

Surgery - Marco Gergolet (Italy)

Ovarian reserve testing and prediction for natural and assisted conception - Juan A. Garcia Velasco (Spain)

Protocols that do not help and protocols that may help - Basil Tarlatzis (Greece)

Natural cycles and mild stimulations in poor responders - Geeta Nargund (United Kingdom)

Modified natural cycles: the Italian experience - Filippo Ubaldi (Italy)

Oocyte quality in poor responders - Cristina Magli (Italy)

The importance of the male in poor responders - Sheena Lewis (United Kingdom)

How many embryos to transfer in poor responders? - Christina Bergh (Sweden)

Endometrium in poor responders: benefits from exposure to lower level of estrogen? - Tin-Chiu Li (United Kingdom)

Early pregnancy after IVF - Carolien Boomsma (The Netherlands)

Implantation factor for pregnancy - Roy Farquharson (United Kingdom)

When to stop and propose other options?

Ethical perspective - Françoise Shenfield (United Kingdom)

Psychological perspective - Petra Thorn (Germany)


Female gametes from stem cell? - Carlos Simon (Spain)

Do adult stem cells resides in the mammalian/human ovary? - Anna Veiga (Spain)

Is oocyte cryopreservation a preventive tool for patient at risk of POR? - Luca Gianaroli (Italy)