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Research – theory and practice

ESHRE Campus symposium

Brussels, Belgium

4-5 March 2010


Organised by the ESHRE Paramedical Group


Speaker handouts 


Types of research - John Collins (Canada)

Types of research: Reviews - John Collins (Canada)

Introduction to descriptive statistics - Olivier Mairesse (Belgium)

Introduction to probability and statistical analysis - Gino Verleye (Belgium)

How to write a meeting abstract? - John Collins (Canada)

How to write a paper? - André Van Steirteghem (Belgium)

Selection process – how abstracts are reviewed and papers chosen for publication André Van Steirteghem (Belgium)

Oral presentation skills and effective use of power point - Herman Tournaye (Belgium)

Introduction to statistical programs: What exists and what can you do with it? Geert De Meyer (Belgium)

Work groups  

Medical: Ben Mol (The Netherlands)

Immobilisation versus immediate mobilisation after intra-uterine insemination; a randomised controlled trial



Nurse: Valerie Peddie (United Kingdom)

Research, Theory & Practice



Midwife: Mette Juhl (Denmark)

Setting up The Danish National Birth Cohort
Background, experiences and study example



Laboratory : Ilse De Croo (Belgium)

Comparison of two embryo culture media: a randomized study using sibling oocytes



Counselling: Chris Verhaak (The Netherlands)

Emotional adjustment to IVF: steps to theoretically and empirically based interventions