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Young Talent Group 2023-2025

Professor Dr Carlos Plancha
Chair of the SIG Committee

Declaration of interest

Dr Maria Isabel Acien
Chair Elect of the SIG Committee

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Dr Sofia Makieva
Co-chair of the Young Talent Group

Declaration of interest

Dr Dimitra Makri
Specialty: Andrology

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Dr Stefano Canosa
Specialty: Embryology

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Dr Maira Casalechi
Specialty: Endometriosis and Endometrium

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Dr Eva Van Steijvoort
Specialty: Ethics and Law

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Dr Aurelie Rives-Feraille
Specialty: Fertility Preservation

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Margot Lherbet
Specialty: Global and Socio-cultural Aspects of Infertility

Declaration of interest

Mrs Linda Stevens Brentjens
Specialty: Implantation and Early Pregnancy

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Mrs Marie Trysén Tronier
Specialty: Nursing and Midwifery

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Ms Sara Ribeiro
Specialty: Psychology and Counselling

Declaration of interest

Dr Alexander Freis
Specialty: Reproductive Endocrinology

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Mr Josep Pla Victori
Specialty: Reproductive Genetics

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Assoc. Professor Üzeyir Kalkan
Specialty: Reproductive Surgery

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Dr Julie Labrosse
Specialty: Safety and Quality in ART

Declaration of interest

Dr João Pedro Alves Lopes
Specialty: Stem Cells

Declaration of interest

Bruno Van Den Eede
Central Office - Ex officio

Declaration of interest

Dr Nathalie Vermeulen
ESHRE Deputy Managing Director / Senior Research Specialist

Declaration of interest

Ms Laura Rossignoli
ESHRE Communications Manager