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Ethics Committee

The mission of the ESHRE Ethics Committee is to examine ethically relevant issues related to reproductive medicine and reproductive science with a (potential) impact on patients, professionals and society as a whole.

The ESHRE Ethics Committee adopts a deliberative approach in their discussion based on ethical principles and fundamental human rights such as equality, non-discrimination, right to private life and family building. In addition, as part of a scientific society, the ESHRE Ethics Committee also discusses topics related to freedom of research, research integrity and responsible innovation. 

The Ethics Committee is a standing committee with an advisory role. The aim of the Ethics Committee is to develop the position of ESHRE and to advise the ESHRE Executive Committee on the issues considered. Outcomes of the Ethics Committee are reports to the ESHRE Executive Committee 

  • Give advice helping to determine the position of ESHRE (on controversial issues)
  • Give advice on legal issues (e.g. patent opposition)
  • Review of applications for the grant: aspects about ethics, not pure scientific aspects
  • Give advice on generic deontological questions dealing with
    - conflicts of interest
    - Industry related questions

Heidi Mertes
Chair Ethics Committee

Declaration of interest

Professor Dr Juha Tapanainen
Immediate Past Chair Ethics Committee

Declaration of interest

Hilde Cotton
ExCo Representative

Declaration of interest

Bruno Van den Eede
ESHRE Central Office

Declaration of interest

Nathalie Vermeulen
ESHRE Deputy Managing Director / Senior Research Specialist

Mrs Louise Dias
Coordinator SIG Nursing and Midwifery

Declaration of interest

Dr Nicola Williams
Coordinator SIG Ethics and Law

Declaration of interest

Maciej Smiechowski
Fertility Europe Representative

Declaration of interest

Dr Giuliana Baccino

Declaration of interest

Dr Arianna D'Angelo

Declaration of interest

Dr Cristina Eguizabal

Declaration of interest

Dr Lucy Frith

Declaration of interest