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Performance indicators for the ART Clinic

The Maribor consensus: report of an expert meeting on the development of performance indicators for clinical practice in ART

Treating infertility with ART is a complex process combining clinical work and laboratory procedures.

The current project aimed to determine a set of performance indicators (PIs) for clinical work in ART.

The six defined PIs can be used for monitoring clinical work in ovarian stimulation for ART, embryo transfer, and pregnancy. Furthermore, they can be applied to create competency profiles for clinicians.

The report explains the rationale for the PIs, their definitions and includes limits of acceptable competence levels to be used in the quality management system of each ART centre.

The current PIs for clinical work in ART are complementary to the ART laboratory PIs published in 2017 (ESHRE Special Interest Group of Embryology and Alpha Scientists in Reproductive Medicine, 2017) and together they aim to improve the overall quality and the outcome of ART practice.

The report was approved by the ESHRE Executive Committee and published in HROpen.

Read the report >