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Good practice recommendations for information provision for those involved in reproductive donation

Information provision for donationThe use of donor-assisted conception is growing, as well as the availability and use of direct-to-consumer genetic testing such as DNA testing, ancestry and other DNA databases.

This changing environment requires that ART patients/intended parents, donors and donor-conceived offspring receive relevant and appropriate information and support.

The paper “Good practice recommendations for information provision for those involved in reproductive donation” outlines the implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing for those involved in donor-assisted conception and provides recommendations for information provision and support.

Do not forget to check out the checklists, a 1 page list of what information to provide to ART patients/intended parents, donors and donor-conceived offspring.
Print and keep a copy on your desk!

Working Group


Meet the ESHRE Working Group on Reproductive Donation

Paul Devroey, Lucy Frith, Kelly Tilleman, Mariana Martins, Jackson Kirkman-Brown, Kersti Lundin, Petra Thorn, Eline Dancet, Nathalie Vermeulen. Missing in the photo: Carlos Calhaz-Jorge

Supplementary data

Review report

Print the checklists and keep a copy on your desk


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