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Guideline development process

ESHRE has established a procedure for developing guidelines, which is described in the "Manual for guideline development" below.
If you have an interest for guideline development, you can participate by proposing a topic for the next guideline, or by reviewing a document. Specific calls for guideline development group, or working group members will be published on the ESHRE homepage, or send by email. More information on development of guidelines and recommendations for good practice can be found on this page.

Manual for ESHRE Guideline Development and Manual for development of recommendations for good practice

The Manual for ESHRE guideline development was updated by the research specialists in collaboration with Special Interest Group Safety and Quality in ART. The updated manual has been approved by the Executive Committee (November 2017). The Manual for ESHRE guideline development contains the detailed methodology for guideline development, for new and revised guidelines.  

The Manual for development of recommendations for good practice was developed to structure and unify the methodology of ESHRE guidance documents in areas where no evidence is available and/or where more practical recommendations are needed on how to approach diagnosis, treatments and procedures. The Manual for development of recommendations for good practice has been approved by the Executive Committee (February 2018).

More information can be provided by the guidelines team -



Application for Guideline Development

New proposals for topics for ESHRE clinical guidelines or recommendations for good practice can be send throughout the year to the ESHRE research specialists ( using the application form (one form for guidelines and recommendations).

Proposals will be presented at one of the following ESHRE Executive Committee meetings. The ESHRE Executive Committee will decide on which guidelines/recommendations will be produced by ESHRE. 

Applications are preferably made by a SIG coordinator, or in collaboration with a SIG Coordinator. ESHRE members wanting to apply for guideline/recommendations development are encouraged to contact the responsible Special Interest Group, before completing the application form.  



Stakeholder review

Before any guideline or recommendations document is published, future users are invited to evaluate the adequacy of the document, especially for its methodological quality, its clinical content and its applicability.
In an open review phase of 6 weeks (4 weeks for recommendations documents), during which the draft document is published on the ESHRE website, anyone can comment on the guideline by submitting a completed reviewers comment form.
If you are interested in being personally invited to the review of a document in development, please send an e-mail with your name and the guideline/recommendations document that you are interested in to (mention “review” in the subject).  



Policy for the translation of ESHRE Guidelines and other documents

ESHRE has developed a policy for the translation of ESHRE Guidelines and other documents. If you have any questions regarding the policy, or you want to translate an ESHRE guideline, you can contact the guidelines team at: