Exhibit at ESHRE’s Campus workshops
Conduct product demonstrations of your (new) products and interact directly with attendees in an intimate setting. Share your new research outcomes and increase your brand awareness with your target audience.
Discover our exciting workshop programmes with locations and dates here
We have 3 sponsorship packages for you to chose from:
€ 7650
€ 4750
€ 3500
Exhibit table



Virtual exhibitor page in the Workshop app



General break slide



Complimentary lunch for exhibitors



Company logo in the exhibitors’ overview on Workshop website (Platinum on top)



Complimentary exhibitor badges
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Complimentary Campus Workshop registration
Personalised push message in Workshop App
Slidable banner in workshop app emphasising your sponsorship
Personalised post on one ESHRE Social Media channel
Personalised slidable banner in Workshop app
Personalised break slide
Personalised E-blast to Workshop participants
Details sponsorships:
Exhibit table
- Size depending on available space Workshop venue
- For showcasing your products and services during the Campus Workshop
General break slide
Prior to and after each session ESHRE will show the exhibitors' logos in a slideshow both onsite and online (the logo of the Platinum sponsor will be shown first)
Complimentary exhibitor badges
- Grant access to the Workshop app
- The Workshop app enables virtual course participation, viewing of exhibitor pages, and interaction with participants
Complimentary Workshop registrations
Grant free entry to both the in-person and online scientific sessions
Slidable banner in Workshop app emphasising sponsorship
- Platinum sponsorship will be shown first
- When clicking on the banner the attendee will be directed to your virtual exhibitor page
Personalised post on one ESHRE Social Media channel
- Your personalised Social Media message will be shared on one ESHRE Social Media channel of your choice
- The content has to be approved by ESHRE
Personalised slidable banner in Workshop app
- Featuring your personalised message in a banner on the home page of the Workshop app
- When clicking on the banner the attendee will be directed to your virtual exhibitor page
Personalised break slide
- Before and after each session ESHRE will display slides with information for delegates while they wait for the session to start, both onsite and online
- On this tailored slide, you can promote your company and research
Personalised E-blast
- ESHRE will send out your personalised E-blast on your behalf to all the registered Workshop participants
- The content has to be approved by ESHRE
Interested in exhibiting at one of our Campus workshops? Please contact Veerle De Rijbel at veerled@eshre.eu