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Webcast Tuesday

Session 23: Progress in ovarian stimulation for IVF

François Vialard (France)
The genetics of ovarian capacity  
Sesh Kamal Sunkara (United Kingdom)
Diagnosis, treatment and significance of poor ovarian response  

Session 24: Oocyte activation

Thomas Ebner (Austria)
Induced oocyte activation in the lab – principles and practice  

Session 26: Paramedical invited session

Valerie L. Peddie (United Kingdom)
Qualitative nursing research in fertility and reproduction: Methods and findings  

Session 27: Embryonic biomarkers - Are we getting nearer?

Aikaterini Chatzimeletiou (Greece)
The metabolic profile of the human embryo as revealed by screening for >100 metabolites by HILIC-MS/MS and its association with development and chromosomal abnormalities  
Antonio Capalbo (Italy)
Secreted miRNAs can be profiled with high accuracy and reproducibility from blastocyst spent culture media: a new potential biomarker for non-invasive embryo selection  

Session 29: Novel techniques in andrology

Sarah Martins da Silva (United Kingdom)
Can a patch fix it - electrophysiological studies of sperm and potential impact on clinical practice  
Maria De Los Llanos Medrano (Spain)
A modified protocol of sperm vitrification shows less cryodamge and enhanced sperm viability than classical slow freezing techniques  
Laura Romany (Spain)
Sperm selection using MACS technology does not improve live-birth delivery rates when ICSI was performed in ovum donation. Prospective and randomized trial in unselected males.  
Michael Hartman (Canada)
In vitro fertilization versus in vitro fertilization-intracytoplasmic sperm injection in patients who previously failed intrauterine insemination  

Session 30: Basic science endometriosis

Martin Götte (Germany)
microRNA miR-142-3p regulates endometriotic cell invasiveness by targeting integrin-related molecular pathways  
Sachiko Matsuzaki (France)
Aberrant activation of the Akt–S6K1 signal pathway in a fibrotic microenvironment in deep endometriosis  
Nicola Tempest (United Kingdom)
Endometrial telomerase activity is limited to human epithelial cells, plays a fundamental role in glandular formation and might have therapeutic implications in endometrial proliferative diseases  
Dana Chuderland (Israel)
PEDF based therapy for angiogenesis-related reproductive disorders  
Yesim Bayoglu Tekin (Turkey)
Comparison of the anti-inflammatory effect of resveratrol and leuprolide acetate in an experimental endometriosis model  

Session 31: Clinical trials in ovarian stimulation

Julia Bosdou (Greece)
Does extending the time interval between human chorionic gonadotrophin administration and oocyte pick-up by two hours affect oocyte retrieval rate - a randomized clinical trial  
Birgit Alsbjerg (Denmark)
Endocrine effects of rhCG or rLH supplementation to rFSH stimulation in a GnRHa long down-regulation protocol - a randomized controlled study  
Ali Abbara (United Kingdom)
Kisspeptin – a novel physiological trigger for oocyte maturation in IVF treatment  
Efstratios Kolibianakis (Greece)
Corifollitropin-alfa compared to daily rFSH in poor responders undergoing ICSI: a randomized clinical trial  

Session 32: Patients' needs and wishes: Where to draw the line?

Kristien Hens (The Netherlands)
In vitro screening and selection of embryos by whole-genome sequencing and analysis - assessment of its usefulness and ethical implications  
Heidi Mertes (Belgium)
Maybe we shouldn’t give infertile patients what they want, but what they need  
Inez Raes (Belgium)
Donor conception disclosure: directive or non-directive counselling  
Monica Singh (India)
A prospective randomized controlled study (RCT) depicting favourable IVF-ICSI outcomes following anti-tubercular treatment in cases with positive PCR test for endometrial non tuberculous mycobateria  

Session 33: European and Global ART Monitoring

Markus S. Kupka (Germany)
Assisted reproductive technology in Europe, 2011: results generated from European registers by ESHRE. Preliminary results  
Fernando Zegers (Chile)
How the Latin American ART Registry transitioned from summary to individualized data  

Session 34: Long-term health in Turner syndrome women

Viveca Söderström - Anttila, M.D., Ph.D. (Finland)
Pregnancy outcome after oocyte donation in women with Turner syndrome – what are the risks?  
Claus H. Gravholt (Denmark)
Optimizing health care for adult women with Turner syndrome  

Session 35: The voice of donor sperm recipients

Maria Salomon (Denmark)
Solo mothers and women with a partner seeking donor insemination – attitudes towards motherhood and socio-demographic characteristics - a national study from public Danish fertility clinics  
Sara Somers (Belgium)
Family decision making: a qualitative study in lesbian couples after donor conception  
Hanna Van Parys (Belgium)
How do lesbian parents and their children experience family communication about the donor conception - a multi-perspective qualitative study  
An Ravelingien (Belgium)
Handing over control: lesbian couples’ views on and experiences with limited input in sperm donor selection 

Session 36: Advances in genetic testing

Pascal Borry (Belgium)
Direct to consumer genetic testing  

Session 37: Assisted reproduction and human rights (Joint session ESHRE SIG Ethics and Law and FIGO's Ethics Committee)

Bernard M. Dickens (Canada)
Access to assisted reproduction as a human right  
Guido Pennings (Belgium)
Cross-border reproductive care and global justice  
Gamal I. Serour (Egypt)
Reproductive ethics: human rights or religious authority  

Session 38: Invited patient session - Social infertility (e.g. gamete freezing for social reasons; delayed pregnancy; age factor)

Rita Vassena (Spain)
Social egg freezing- the clinician point of view: information, indications and expectations  
Vanya Savova (Bulgaria)
The conflict between psychology and medicine - Social freezing motivation and consequences  

Session 39: Paramedical invited session

Helen J. Kendrew (United Kingdom)
The pivotal role of the nurse in a fertility clinic  
Helga Sol Olafsdottir (Iceland)
"The de jure stateless children": The dilemma of cross-border surrogacy  

Session 40: Time-lapse imaging - Which embryo gets the Oscar?

Nicolas Le Fleuter (France)
External validation of meseguer's prediction model according to embryo transfer policy (cleavage stage or blastocyst)  
Amy Barrie (United Kingdom)
An examination of the ability of six published, time-lapse imaging embryo selection algorithms to predict implantation when applied to the same cohort of implanted embryos  
Matthew VerMilyea (U.S.A.)
Computer-automated time-lapse analysis test results correlate to clinical pregnancy and embryo implantation: a prospective, blinded, multi-center study  
Susan Montgomery (United Kingdom)
The relationship between early cleavage morphokinetic time points is more predictive of implantation and live birth than single time points alone  

Session 41: Improving ART outcome

Sabine Roesner (Germany)
Predictive value of serum and follicular fluid levels of 25-OH vitamin D, osteopontin and sclerostin on the outcome of assisted reproductive treatment  
Sarah Johnson (United Kingdom)
Urine hormones in relation to ultrasound observed ovulation and serum hormones in cycles from women with reportedly normal menstrual cycles  
Isabella Cobuzzi (Italy)
Arcuate uterus: is a normal or septate uterus  

Session 42: Sperm DNA integrity

Andrei Zanko (U.S.A.)
Revisiting DNA integrity in function of sperm motility  
Tyler Cozzubbo (U.S.A.)
Seminal plasma round cell as an indicator of spermatogenic integrity  
Louisa Johanesen (U.S.A.)
Topographic mapping of sperm DNA fragmentation within the male genital tract  
Queenie V. Neri (U.S.A.)
The quest for the less than ideal spermatozoon — does it generate good quality embryos  

Session 43: Safety issues for mother and child

Helene Letur - Köenirsch (France)
Pregnancies issued from egg donation are associated to a higher risk of hypertensive pathologies then control ART pregnancies. Results of a large comparative cohort study  
Laurentiu Craciunas (United Kingdom)
Cervical mucus removal prior to embryo transfer in women undergoing IVF/ICSI: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials  

Session 44: Underlying mechanisms of early pregnancy pathology

Jean Calleja-Agius (Malta)
Inflammatory cytokines in the placenta and maternal circulation of chromosomally abnormal first trimester miscarriages  
Saeed Zarei (Iran)
Relation between cytokine gene polymorphisms and concentration of autoantibodies and CD markers in Iranian recurrent miscarriage patients  
Merel Van den Berg (The Netherlands)
An early pregnancy assessment unit improves quality of care and reduces health care costs  

Session 45: Epigenetics in gamete competence and implantation

Triin Viltrop (Estonia)
Imprinting landscape of human placenta as discovered by whole transcriptome RNA-sequencing and exome variant data analysis  
Thomas Haaf (Germany)
DNA methylation analysis of in vitro matured human oocytes retrieved from small antral follicles  
Julia Rehnitz (Germany)
Variable expression of the major POI/POF candidate gene FMR1 in human granulosa cells under epigenetic control: genetic marker for human ovarian reserve?  

Session 46: Clinical endocrinology (1)

West Sammeli (Finland)
Polycystic ovary syndrome and its symptoms increase the risk of pregnancy complications: population-based cohort study  
Baidyanath Chakravarty (India)
Hyperhomocysteinemia rather than hyperinsulinemia - the major determinant for long-term thrombophilic manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome  
Meike Mutsaerts (The Netherlands)
The effectiveness of a structured lifestyle program in overweight and obese subfertile women. Preliminary data from a randomised controlled trial (LIFEstyle study)  

Session 47: Basic physiology in embryology

Jingjie Li (China)
A modified human growth differentiation factor 9 is potently active in a porcine ivm model with inherent low oocyte developmental competence  
Sander Kleijkers (The Netherlands)
Differences in gene expression in human preimplantation embryos cultured in two different IVF culture media  

Session 48: Implantation failure and the endometrium

Neelam Potdar (United Kingdom)
Network meta-analysis of interventions used to improve clinical pregnancy rate in women with implantation failure  
Randhir Singh (India)
Intra-uterine administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg) before embryo transfer in recurrent implantation failure (RIF) patients improves implantation and pregnancy rates in IVF-ICSI cycles  
Bindu Mehta (India)
Serum VEGF level on day of embryo transfer is indicative of a vascularized receptive endometrium and is a non-invasive implantation marker in ongoing IVF cycles  

Session 49: Nurses' perspective in patient care and quality of life

Diana Guerra Diaz (Spain)
Spanish patient's desires and attitudes about single or multiple embryo transfer  
Rebecca Nataloni (Spain)
Is the quality of life in poor ovarian responders (POR) worse than normal responders? a prospective study using fertiqol  
Christina Bergh (Sweden)
Quality of care in an IVF programme: differences and similarities between genders  

Session 50: The psychology of fertility preservation and gamete donation

Camille Lallemant (United Kingdom)
Oocyte freezing for social indications: an internet based survey of knowledge, attitudes and intentions among women in Denmark and the United Kingdom