Session 52: Future infertility management
R.W. Rebar (U.S.A.)
When will infertility be explained? |
P.M.M. Bossuyt (The Netherlands)
The future of randomized clinical trials |
Session 53: Are human embryonic stem cells ready for regenerative medicine?
R. Vassena (Spain)
hESC and iPSC as models for human development and disease |
B. Reubinoff (Israel)
Cell therapy with pluripotent stem cells (hESC and iPS) |
Session 54: New findings in reproductive oncology
E. Somigliana (Italy)
Ovarian cancer and the incessant menstruation hypothesis |
Session 55: ASRM/Society of Reproductive Biologists and Technologists Exchange Symposium: Optimizing the culture and selection of human embryo in 2013
C. Racowsky (U.S.A.)
Current status of non-invasive approaches for embryo assessment and selection |
M.J. Tucker (U.S.A.)
Evaluating media systems and day of transfer for human embryos: What are optimal? |
Session 56: From experimental to established: ESHRE guidelines and position papers
G.A.J. Dunselman (The Netherlands)
The 2013 ESHRE guideline on the management of women with endometriosis. |
Session 57: Time lapse: the real revolution for embryo assessment?
L. Best (United Kingdom)
Does one model fit all? Testing a published embryo selection algorithm on independent time-lapse data |
C. Pirkevi (Turkey)
Blastocyst culture using time-lapse in good prognosis IVF patients and elective SET: a randomized pilot study |
Session 58: Basics of reproductive endocrinology
Q. Zhang (China)
miR-181a promotes mouse granulosa cell apoptosis by suppressing sirt1-mediated foxo1 deacetylation |
C. Tang (China)
Hedgehog signaling regulates steroid hormone production in human placentas |
Q. Zhang (China)
MicroRNA 132 promotes estradiol release from mouse granulosa cells by translational repression of Nr4a2 |
R. Alhamdan (United Kingdom)
Elucidating the role of natriuretic peptides (NPs) in the regulation of the key angiogenic mediator, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) |
A. Elfituri (United Kingdom)
Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) has a direct regulatory role on theca cell function |
Session 59: Endometrium
M. Cao (Hong Kong)
Characterization of mouse endometrial labeling retaining cells after uterine remodeling |
Y. Yamagata (Japan)
Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in cultured eutopic and ectopic endometrial stromal cells |
X. Jin (China)
Nur77 cooperates with FOXO1A to regulate decidual prolactin expression in human endometrial stromal cells |
A. Tapia Pizarro (Chile)
Signal transduction pathways activated by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in human endometrial stromal cells (ESC) |
Y. Jiang (China)
Mirna-21 is a novel regulator of NUR77 and KLF12 mediated decidual prolactin expression in human endometrial stromal cells |
Session 60: Perinatal outcome after ART
C. Stora (France)
Issue of assisted reproductive techniques in HIV-infected women: a case-control retrospective study |
A. Hagman (Sweden)
Obstetric and neonatal outcome after oocyte donation in 106 women with Turner syndrome - a Nordic cohort study |
T. Mukaida (Japan)
Perinatal outcome of children born after vitrification of blastocysts (6467 cycles with 2059 babies in 12 years experiences) |
B. Carrasco Canal (Spain)
Does embryo culture medium influence birthweight of the newborn - a randomised control trial. |
Session 61: Effects of interventions on embryo quality
R. Naik (United Kingdom)
Impact of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infections on embryo quality during In-vitro fertilization |
B. Shapiro (U.S.A.)
Factors affecting success of blastocyst transfer into an artificially prepared uterine environment differ from those affecting outcome of fresh autologous blastocyst transfer |
S. Catt (Australia)
A randomized trial investigating the effectiveness and safety of three IVF laboratory disinfectants |
C. Kailasam (United Kingdom)
Prospective study of the effect of early coasting on blastocyst development and outcome of fertility treatment in an IVF/ICSI program |
L. Herrero Grassa (Spain)
Oocyte versus embryo vitrification: searching the most efficient approach when preventing OHSS after agonist triggering |
Session 62: Quality management and regulation in the ART lab
K. Tilleman (Belgium)
From quality control to total quality management in the IVF lab |
B.C. Tarlatzis (Greece)
The European Tissue Directive: a curse or a blessing? |
Session 63: New ART interventions may, under certain circumstances, be introduced without a clinical trial? (Debate)
S. Fishel (United Kingdom)
For |
Session 64: Endometriosis-associated pain
I.S. Fraser (Australia)
Endometrium, nerves and endometriosis |
K. Berkley (U.S.A.)
Central nervous system (CNS) mechanisms of pain in endometriosis |
Session 65: Paramedical invited session – Nursing (Debate): Patients have the right for an anonymous donor
L. Schmidt (Denmark)
Pro |
C. Gottlieb (Sweden)
Con |
Session 66: Embryo quality: does it predict pregnancy?
C. Theofanakis (Greece)
Research of circadian genes (Clock Bmal1, Per1, Per2, Cry1, Cry2) control over early embryo development, ovaries and liver in vitro |
S. Ohgi (Japan)
Use of trophectoderm quality versus use of inner cell mass quality to predict pregnancy after a single blastocyst transfer in women of advanced maternal age |
Session 67: Scientific challenges in early pregnancy achievement
D. Schust (U.S.A.)
Could a novel, retrovirally-derived inhibitor of trophoblast syncytialization play a role in limiting cell fusion between extravillous trophoblast and maternal decidua |
Session 68: The impact of genetics in andrology
H. Asakura (Japan)
Clinical significance of sperm DNA damage on embryo implantation efficiency and spontaneous pregnancy loss after assisted reproductive therapy |
A. Salas-Huetos (Spain)
MicroRNA expression profile in spermatozoa from fertile donors |
T. Freour (France)
Comparative proteomic analysis coupled with conventional protein assay as a strategy to identify predictors of successful testicular sperm extraction in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) |
A. Ferlin (Italy)
Molecular karyotyping of human single sperm by array- comparative genomic hybridization |
Session 69: Clinical endocrinology
M. Grynberg (France)
First birth achieved after in-vitro maturation of oocytes from a woman with resistant ovary syndrome |
C. Verhaak (The Netherlands)
Long-term effects of oxandrolone treatment in childhood on neurocognition, wellbeing and social-emotional functioning in young adults with Turner syndrome |
A. Busnelli (Italy)
IVF outcome in treated hypothyroidism |
M. Montag (Germany)
Differences in morphokinetic parameters between in-vitro maturation (IVM) and COS-ICSI analysed by time-lapse imaging |
Session 70: Challenges in cryopreservation
N. Potdar (United Kingdom)
Oocyte cryopreservation in the 21st century and post warming fertility outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
A. Mikich (Brazil)
Metal cryovial: a new, promising system for clinical grade vitrification of ovarian tissue |
N. Desai (U.S.A.)
The new Rapid i carrier is effective for human embryo vitrification at both the cleavage and blastocyst stage: preliminary clinical pregnancy and live birth outcomes |
T. Trapphoff (Germany)
Maturation in presence of a glutathione donor protects spindle integrity and chromosomal alignment in vitrified mouse metaphase II oocytes |
Session 71: Surgery
O. Rustamov (United Kingdom)
Reproductive surgery and ovarian reserve |
P. Tokdemir Calis (Turkey)
Adnexal torsion in a rat model: does ischemia-reperfusion injury affect follicule cohort? |
I. Kozachenko (Russia C.I.S.)
Reproductive outcomes after hysteroscopic resection of the uterine septum |