Two giants in reproductive medicine, one extraordinary event. Register now for the 'Best of' in Lisbon.

Course description

Course type


Course description

Technology is changing rapidly and cutting-edge approaches to improve IVF success rates are being introduced into the IVF lab such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automated systems. But the challenge for embryologists is which advances to incorporate first, how to evaluate cost-effectiveness for patients, and how to include the latest equipment and processes into the lab workflow.

This course offers attendees the opportunity to resolve these and other dilemmas. They will learn from international experts at large laboratories about the equipment and technology they use; and how to incorporate it successfully. In addition, participants will gain hands-on experience with the latest and most innovative devices.


Target audience

Embryologists, andrologists, clinicians, nurses, technicians, researchers and other personnel involved in reproductive medicine and ART.


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

The introduction of new technology in the IVF lab is a controversial issue faced by embryologists every day. It is imperative they have the correct information to decide when it is appropriate to use new devices and why these techniques are indicated or not.

At the end of this course, it is expected that participants will be able to make more informed decisions about the new techniques available for the IVF laboratory. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest technological advances from experts and better understand their indications and expectations.


Innovative aspects of the course

The implementation of new technology in the IVF lab is a controversial issue. Embryologists need the latest information so they can decide when to use these techniques and why they are indicated or not. Course highlights will include how to introduce AI-based embryo selection and the latest evidence on fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for ploidy selection. Different commercial companies will also demonstrate their equipment to attendees in small groups.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Discussions
  • Hands-on


The official language of the course is English.