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Working groups


Celine Moutou is chairing the database working group. The database group is working on the results of pregnancies and babies. We plan to develop an online database to facilitate the use for all contributing centers. This should be finished by the end of 2014.

A new database is in preparation for the outcome of transfer of thawed embryos. This will only consider embryos which were frozen after biopsy and PGD.


New technologies in PGD

Martine de Rycke is chairing this working group. A questionnaire was distributed to all the PGD centres in mid-October 2013 with a deadline to submit completed questionnaires by the end of November. This survey will give an insight on the PGD cycles performed in real time (2013) and not retrospectively as obtained with the annual data collections.



This working group will be chaired by Joanne Traeger-Synodinos. It aims to follow-up PGD cycles performed with HLA in order to evaluate clinical outcomes and utility of HLA-PGD.


Collaboration IVF-Genetics

Sioban SenGupta will chair this working group. They will look at the collaborative working practices between Genetics and IVF teams when delivering PGD service



The first introductory webinars are recorded in Brussels in November 2013.