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Legislation and reimbursement of ART and IUI
treatments in Europe

Survey on ART and IUI: legislation, regulation, funding and registries in European countries

The European IVF-monitoring Consortium (EIM) of ESHRE designed a survey to understand how medically assisted reproduction treatments were regulated and reimbursed in Europe.
The EIM paper provides a comprehensive view of the situation of reimbursement, legislation and registries of ART in European countries. Reflecting the situation in 43 countries on 31 December 2020.
The current interactive maps are undergoing a revamp, please refer to the published paper for the most current information until the updates are complete. Once the revamped maps go live, they’ll align with the findings and data detailed in the paper.

Check the interactive map providing a view of the accessibility of ART and IUI treatment country by country.

ART IUI Legislation Map