Sacha Stormlund

MD, PhD student, The Fertility Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hvidovre University Hospital
Stormlund S, Løssl L, Zedeler A, Bogstad J, Prætorius L, Nielsen HS, Bungum M, Skouby SO, Mikkelsen AL, Nyboe Andersen A, Berg C, Humaidan P, Pinborg A. Comparison of a ‘freeze-all’ strategy including GnRH agonist trigger versus a ‘fresh transfer’ strategy including hCG trigger in assisted reproductive technology (ART): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJOpen 2017; 31;7(7).
Stormlund S, Schmidt L, Bogstad J, Løssl K, Prætorius L, Zedeler A, Pinborg A. Patients’ attitudes and preferences towards a freeze-all strategy in ART treatment. Human Reproduction 2019; 34: 679-688.