
The (exhibition and) talks are taking place in room Strauss 3 and are chaired by Fertility Fest Director Jessica Hepburn

Monday 24 June 2019

Modern families

11.00 - 12 noon
The conference opens with two Vienna based artists: film-maker Maria Arlamovsky, director of the documentary feature Future Baby and writer Gertraud Klemm, author of Muttergehause – in conversation with Professor Andrea Weghofer, Consultant at the Department of Gynaecological Endocrinology& Reproductive Medicine at the Medical University in Vienna.

The Lived Experience of IVF

15.00 - 16.00
Canadian artist Heidi Barkun (Unnamed) and British artist Tabitha Moses (In Vitro, Investment and On Food and Longing) talk about their work exploring the patient process and rituals of IVF that will be exhibited during the ESHRE conference - in conversation with Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Joop Laven from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam.



Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Private World of The Infertile 

11.00 - 12 noon
Marieke Blaauw - Founder of the Academy Award nominated Dutch animation studio Job Joris & Marieke (Otto) and Irish film-maker Dee Harvey (IF) will be talking about their ground-breaking digital animation and virtual reality worlds exploring the lived experience of infertility – in conversation with family therapist and infertility counsellor Petra Thorn.


The Invisible Man

15.00 - 16.00
British Performance Poet Elis Matthews will be performing poems about his experience of being diagnosed with Azoospermia and his alternative route to parenthood through donor conception. Followed by an in conversation with William Ombelet, founder of the Genk Institute for Fertility Technology and consultant at the University of Hasselt and at the University of Ghent, Belgium and Dr Rita Vassena from Clinica Eugin, Spain. 


Wednesday 26 June 2019

When ART Doesn’t Work

11.00 - 12 noon
British Visual Artist Faye Glen talks about how the failure of her reproductive organs informed her visceral sculptural work that will be exhibited during the ESHRE conference - in conversation with Professor Jacky Bovin from Cardiff University, Wales and Professor of Assisted Reproduction Anja Pinborg at the Juliane Marie Centre, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.