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Six presentations at ESHRE 2016 were selected and rewarded with a prize of 2000 Euro. One additional presentation will be selected for the FSA Exchange Award. Special award committees, composed of senior scientists and clinicians made the selection for each award. 

Basic Science Award for oral presentation

awarded to the first and presenting author of the best oral presentation on a basic science topic

O-287 ABVD chemotherapy for lymphoma affects number and morphology of primordial follicles in the adolescent and adult ovary - Evelyn E. Telfer (United Kingdom)

Clinical Science Award for oral presentation

awarded to the first and presenting author of the best oral presentation on a clinical science topic

O-201 Hysteroscopic intratubal Essure® device placement versus laparoscopic salpingectomy, as treatment for hydrosalpinges prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI): a randomised controlled trial - Kim Dreyer (The Netherlands)


Basic Science Award for poster presentation

awarded to the first and presenting author of the best poster presentation on a basic science topic

P-436 Unique geometry of sister kinetochores in human oocytes during meiosis I may explain maternal age-associated increases in chromosomal abnormalities - Jessica Patel (United Kingdom)


Clinical Science Award for poster presentation

awarded to the first and presenting author of the best poster presentation on a clinical science topic

P-111 Miscarriage risk in women with twice, once and never poor response in two consecutive IVF treatment cycles - Talita Honorato (The Netherlands)

The Fertility Society of Australia Exchange Award

an educational travel grant, will allow one of the participants of ESHRE 2016 to present the data of his/her oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Fertility Society of Australia 

0-248 Trends over time in congenital malformations among children conceived after assisted reproductive technology (ART) - Anna-Karina Henningsen (Denmark)

The Nurses Award

awarded to the best oral presentation by a nurse 

0-142 Reproductive options for transmen - Sara Somers (Belgium)


The ART Laboratory Award

awarded to the best oral or poster presentation made by a laboratory technician

0-095 The relation between cell size and developmental stage in human day 2/ day 3 embryos is a predictor for blastocyst formation on day 5 - Vanessa Muyshond (Belgium)