How to present and publish your research?

Academic Authorship Programme 

Precongress Course 13
The Editors of the 4 Human Reproduction Journals

Course co-ordinator(s)

Hans Evers (NL), Chris Barratt (UK), Felice Petraglia (IT), Siladitya Bhattacharya (UK)


Course type

Course description
After attending the course, the participant will have improved knowledge of clinical research and publishing. She/he will be familiar with the most common principles of study design – including those for treatment and diagnostic test studies – and systematic reviews & meta-analysis. Considerable focus will be directed to the key components of a manuscript, with practical activities equipping participants with the knowledge required to prepare their work for publication as an original submission to a scientific journal. The way journals work – including the review process – will be illustrated, we will explain the way to deal with promoting your work via press releases and social media, and we will look ahead into the future of science publishing.


Course format
There will be short, TED-like talks, ‘hands-on’ activities, Q&A’s, and ample opportunity for informal interaction.


Target audience
Young clinicians and scientists, people at the onset of their academic career, and all those who wish to familiarize themselves with present-day ideas about designing a study, performing it, publishing its findings and raising its citation by bringing the outcome to the attention of as many people as possible.



Sunday 02 July 2017

Johannes Evers, The Netherlands
09:00 - 09:30
Introduction to the Course
Johannes Evers, The Netherlands
09:30 - 09:50
Principles of study design, treatment
Siladitya Bhattacharya, United Kingdom
09:50 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:20
Principles of study design, diagnosis
Edgardo Somigliana, Italy
10:20 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
Siladitya Bhattacharya, United Kingdom
11:00 - 11:20
Principles of study design, systematic review and meta-analysis
Madelon Van Wely, The Netherlands
11:20 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:50
Ethical issues of performing and publishing research
Felice Petraglia
11:50 - 12:00
12:00 - 12:30
‘Hands-on’ exercise: A good title
Johannes Evers, The Netherlands
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
Felice Petraglia
13:30 - 13:50
Writing a study up
Richard Sharpe, United Kingdom
13:50 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
‘Hands-on’ exercise: a good oral presentation
Edgardo Somigliana, Italy
14:30 - 14:40
14:40 - 15:00
How does the review process work?
Chris Barratt, United Kingdom
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
Chris Barratt, United Kingdom
15:30 - 15:50
Post-publication care: engaging readers and achieving impact
Phil Bishop, United Kingdom
15:50 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:20
What do the ESHRE journals expect?
Felice Petraglia
16:20 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
‘Hands-on’ exercise: the components of a manuscript
Michele Boiani, Germany
17:00 - 17:05
End of the course; evaluation