Bio-economy and the commercialisation of ART
Precongress Course 6
SIG Global and Socio-cultural aspects of (in)fertility
Course type
Course co-ordinators
Willem Ombelet (Belgium), Virginie Rozée (France), Trudie Gerrits (The Netherlands), Françoise Shenfield (United Kingdom)
Course description
The development of ART has been accompanied for many years by growing globalisation and commercialisation. Several aspects include patchy state funding with a public/private disparity and increased competition, the growth of cross border reproductive care, and the compensation or remuneration in “third party” ART whether by gametes donation or surrogacy that creates a kind of new reproductive labour and a parallel bio-economy.
This context raises many issues in terms of accessibility, (in)equalities, risks and benefits both for our patients, third parties involved (donors and surrogates) and policy makers .
The objective of this precongress course is to analyse some issues raised by the commercialisation of ART with specific examples and to discuss some models which might best benefit different patients who need fertility care.
Target audience
Clinicians, nurses, scientists, psychologists, counsellors, social workers, researchers, managers, health care providers.
Educational needs and expected outcomes
To analyse the impact and consequences of commercialisation of reproductive medicine for patients, practitioners, health care providers, health care and society in general. The expected outcome is to critically analyse commercialisation in ART.
Saturday 26 June 2021
09:00 - 12:30
PCC06: Bio-economy and the commercialisation of ART - part 1
Saturday 26 June 2021
09:00 - 12:30: PCC06: Bio-economy and the commercialisation of ART - part 1:
Download Q&A here
Françoise Shenfield, United Kingdom
09:00 - 09:30
Industry and assisted reproduction: Ain't no sunshine
Cindy M. Farquhar, New Zealand
09:45 - 10:15
The financialisation of fertility
Lucy van de Wiel, United Kingdom
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break
Denisa Marina Protopopescu, Romania
11:00 - 11:30
The risks and benefits of add-ons in IVF programmes
Tarek El-Toukhy, United Kingdom
11:45 - 12:15
Introducing affordable IVF: Dreams versus nightmares
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break