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ESHRE 2021 Press releases

2021 Press releases

Patients paying for unproven IVF add-on treatments
Survey shows that women face financial burden and potential risks

Sarah Lensen

Non-prescription painkillers linked to increased perinatal health risks
Review needed of guidance on use in pregnancy

Aikaterini Zafeiri

Two emerging trends in treatment explain steady increase in IVF success rates
Large cohort study finds that late-stage embryo transfer and freezing are behind the improvements
Zoha Saket

Selection tool accurately predicts ovarian damage in girls with cancer
High risk patients should be offered fertility preservation
Ruth Howie

Clinics retrieving ‘far too many’ eggs from IVF patients
UK data suggest rethink needed on egg collection practices
Gulam Bahadur

A step forward for IVF patients with predicted poor response to treatment
Two rounds of ovarian stimulation in the same menstrual cycle found to shorten time to pregnancy

Maria Cerrillo Martinez

Cancer risk in ART children and young adults is not increased
Results from 18-year follow-up of babies born from treatments including ICSI and frozen embryo transfer
Mandy Spaan

Previous infection with Covid-19 does not affect the chance of success in IVF
Measurements of ovarian reserve ‘showed no variation’ before and after SARS-CoV-2 infection
Maria Cruz Palomino

Artificial intelligence and computer vision remove the need for cell biopsy in testing embryos
Another example of how AI is taking over many laboratory processes in IVF
Lorena Bori