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Executive Committee of ESHRE
Karen Sermon

Anis Feki
Immediate Past Chairman
Carlos Calhaz-Jorge
Aisling Ahlstrom
Dinka Pavičić
Gurkan Bozdag
Giovanni Coticchio
Hilde Cotton
Lucy Frith
Verena Nordhoff
Andrea Romano
Kirsten Tryde Macklon
Nikolaos Polyzos
Stéphane Viville

Ex officio SIG Chair
Carlos Plancha

ESHRE leadership
Bruno Van den Eede
Nathalie Vermeulen

ASRM Leadership

Paula Amato

President Elect
Elizabeth Ginsburg

Vice President
Robert E. Brannigan

Immediate Past President
Michael A. Thomas

Past President
Marcelle I. Cedars

Directors at Large
Akanksha Mehta
Ruben Alvero
Paul Lin
Kim L. Thornton
Eve Feinberg
Sangita Jindal

ASRM Executive Team
Jared C. Robins - Chief Executive Officer
Chevis N. Shannon - Chief Education and Science Officer
Lee Pearce - Chief Operations Officer
Sean B. Tipton - Chief Advocacy and Policy Officer
Daniel Carre - Chief Financial Officer