Curriculum for passing the theoretic part of the ESHRE Nurse/midwife Certificate

Last update: 10/02/2023

A. Physiology of spontaneous conception

A.1. In vivo sperm and egg transport

A.2. In vivo oocyte maturation

A.3. In vivo fertilization

A.4. In vivo implantation


B. Epidemiology of infertility

B.1. Prevalence

B.2. Definitions

B.3. Fertility treatment prognosis


C. Factors affecting fertility

C.1. Age

C.2. Lifestyle

C.3. Environment

C.4. Preconception care


D. Female reproduction

D.1. Development of the female reproductive tract

D.2. Anatomy of the female reproductive system

D.3. Physiology of the female reproductive system

                D.3.1. Endocrinology and the menstrual cycle

                D.3.2. Function of the organs

                D.3.3. Oogenesis

                D.3.4. The oocyte

D.4. Diagnostic evaluation of the female reproductive system

                D.4.1. Medical history taking

                D.4.2. Physical and gynecological examination

                D.4.3. Endocrine analysis

                D.4.4. Gynecological ultrasound

                D.4.5. Imaging of uterine cavity and tubal patency (i.e. HSG, saline, gel, oil or foam HyCoSy, 3D ultrasound)

                D.4.6. Hysteroscopy

                D.4.7. Laparoscopy

D.5. Diagnosing and treating pathology of the female reproductive system

                D.5.1. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

                D.5.2. Endometriosis

                D.5.3. Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

                D.5.4. Tubal pathology

                D.5.5. Uterine malformations

                D.5.6. Other

D.6. General pathology interfering with female fertility


E. Male reproduction

E.1. Development of the male reproductive tract

E.2. Anatomy of the male reproductive system

E.3. Physiology of the male reproductive system

                E.3.1. Endocrinology

                E.3.2. Function of the organs

                E.3.3. Spermatogenesis

                E.3.4. The spermatozoa

E.4. Diagnostic evaluation of the male reproductive system

                E.4.1. Medical history taking

                E.4.2. Physical examination

                E.4.3. Assessment of the sperm sample based on WHO guidelines

                E.4.4. Endocrine analysis

                E.4.5. Ultrasound of the testis and/or prostate

E.5. Pathology of the male reproductive system

                E.5.1. Obstructive azoospermia

                E.5.2. Non-obstructive azoospermia

                E.5.3. Varicocele

                E.5.4. Other

E.6. General pathology interfering with male fertility


F. Clinical fertility treatments

F.1. Surgical treatment

F.2. Ovulation induction

F.3. Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI)

                F.3.1. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

                               F.3.1.1. Types of medication

                               F.3.1.2. Stimulation protocols

                F.3.2. Insemination

F.4. In Vitro Fertilization and Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (IVF/ICSI)

                F.4.1. Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

                               F.4.1.1. Types of medication

                               F.4.1.2. Stimulation protocols

                F.4.2. Oocyte retrieval

                               F.4.2.1. Procedure

                               F.4.2.2 Pain relief

                F.4.3. Embryo transfer

F.5. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) cycles

                F.5.1. Monitoring and timing of the FET cycle

                F.5.2. Natural cycles and stimulated cycles

F.6. Surgical treatments for sperm retrieval in the male patient

                F.6.1. PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)

                F.6.2. MESA (Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)

                F.6.3. TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)

F.7. Third party reproduction

                F.7.1. Oocyte, sperm and embryo donation

                F.7.2. Legislation, anonymity and donor quota

                F.7.3. Secrecy and disclosure

                F.7.4. Direct-to-consumer genetic testing

                F.7.5. Information and support needs of donors, recipients and offspring

                F.7.6. Gestational carrier

F.8. Fertility preservation

                F.8.1. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation

                F.8.2. Oocyte/embryo cryopreservation


G. Lab Medical Assisted Reproduction (MAR) procedures

G.1. Sperm preparation for IUI, IVF, ICSI

G.2. Slow freezing and vitrification


G.4. IVF

G.5. Non-routine Methods

                G.5.1. In Vitro Maturation (IVM)

                G.5.2. Assisted Hatching (AHA)


H. Embryology

H.1. Mitosis and meiosis

H.2. Fertilization and zygotes

H.3. Morphology and cleavage of the embryo

H.4. Implantation of the embryo

H.5. Time Lapse


I. Genetics

I.1. Introduction

I.2. Genotype and phenotype

I.3. Chromosomal abnormalities: numerical, structural

I.4. Methods: karyotyping, fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), next generation sequencing (NGS)

I.5. Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic/Single gene diseases (PGT-M) and Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies (PGT-A)

I.6. Epigenetics/imprinting


J. Early pregnancy

J.1. Endocrinology of early pregnancy

J.2. Pregnancy test

J.3. Ultrasound assessment for viability

J.4. Early pregnancy failures

                J.4.1. Ectopic pregnancies

                J.4.2. Recurrent early pregnancy loss


K. Quality of care

K.1. Quality management

                K.1.1. Key performance indicators (structure, process, outcome)

                K.1.2. If/ how/when to implement new procedures

K.2. European legislation

                K.2.1. Infection screening

                K.2.2. Laboratory conditions


L. Safety of fertility treatment

L.1. Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome

L.2. Multiple pregnancies

L.3. Risks to the mother

                L.3.1 Procedure related complications

                L.3.2. Pregnancy related complications

L.4. Risks to the child


M. Psychosocial wellbeing of and support for patients

M.1. Psychosocial care in fertility clinics: patient preferences and well-being

M.2. Psychosocial care of patients before treatment

M.3. Psychosocial care of patients during treatment

M.4. Psychosocial care of patients after treatment

M.5. Human and system factors of patient-centered care

M.6. Informed and shared decision making


N. Research

N.1. Finding and reviewing research

N.2. Basic principles of quantitative and qualitative research

N.3. Informed consent and other procedures for protecting research

N.4. Collecting quantitative data

N.5. Interpreting data