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Assessment of training centre

Approval/certification of institutions as training Centres should be based on:

  • Performing training in all necessary modules/areas in the field of RM according to Syllabus in the Centre or associated institutions.
  • Annual statistics.
  • Internal quality control and audit.
  • Organised teaching sessions.
  • Allocated time for training and research.
  • Availability of multidisciplinary team regularly involved in the management of Reproductive Medicine.
  • Designated Tutor for supervision of all training in the syllabus.
  • Periodic audit followed by completion of targets in Logbook.

Fulfilment of defined criteria for minimum activity of the Centre:

  • 1000 Outpatients per year per Centre and 500 more for any additional Fellow.
  • 100 Reproductive surgery procedures per year.
  • 200 IVF/ICSI treatment cycles per year per Fellow.
  • Fulfilment of defined criteria for minimum activity:
  • 100 new infertility cases per year for a first Fellow and 60 more for a second one would be the minimum number necessary to provide quality of care, fellowship training and research. Comment: we forgot that outpatients visit could be for some other purposes, not only for RM.

On completion of training, fellows should have performed the minimum number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and technical acts under supervision, and be able to carry these out independently, competently and safely.
A representative of the EBCOG/ESHRE Postgraduate Training and Assessment Working Party may be an observer on the national or federal assessment committee.

EBCOG in conjunction with the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology is willing to organise an evaluation visit to a sub-specialist unit if requested.