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How to apply?

Centre accreditation of training programme in clinical embryology

To enrol your centre in the ESHRE Centre Accreditation of Training programme in Clinical Embryology, please follow the steps below:

  1. The applicant should be the head of the MAR centre (with the head's agreement, the applicant may also be the head of the laboratory or training manager).
    To access the application platform, you need to create an ESHRE account (if you do not have one). You can create an account via this link.

  2. Apply online here or contact

  3. Log in with your username (important: do not use your e-mail address as username).

  4. When you enter the application platform, you will be asked to fill in basic questions about your MAR Centre.

  5. In the next step, please select the “Complete Questionnaire” button. This will allow access to the Head Questionnaire, with questions from 16 areas (sections):

    1. General Information

    2. 1.1. - MAR rates (from 2021)
      1.2. - MAR cycles (from last year)
      1.3. - ANDROLOGY
      1.4. - MAR and EMBRYOLOGY

    3. The national training programme in Clinical Embryology
    4. Medical staff (doctors)
    5. Laboratory staff
    6. Working conditions of training
    7. Tutors for Trainees in training
    8. Basic training in
    9. Advanced training in
    10. Courses etc. for Trainees
    11. Research
    12. Training in administration and management
    13. Library etc.
    14. Audit
    15. Best aspects for Trainees
    16. Changes
    17. Miscellaneous

  6. The questionnaire will ask you to upload the following supporting documents:

    1. A completed application form online (required).
    2. The national (not institutional) training programme in Clinical Embryology (if it exists).
    3. A “Letter of Intent” to show that there is a collaboration with other MAR centres in providing a complete training programme (if all training modules are not available at the applicant centre).
    4. A syllabus that outlines the training programme for Trainees (required).
    5. A copy of the trainee logbook (required).
    6. A training timetable for Trainees (if available).
    7. A training programme for tutors in the centre (if available).
    8. A research project where Trainees are involved (required).
    9. A research profile of the centre (required).

  7. The questionnaire cannot be submitted until all the required questions have been completed.

  8. After successfully submitting the Head Questionnaire, the applicant will be asked to select one or more of their Trainees by entering their e-mail addresses to receive access to the “Trainee Questionnaire”.

  9. After selecting the “Send” button, the Trainees will be invited to complete the “Trainee Questionnaire”. The Trainee also requires an ESHRE account, see instructions point 2.

  10. Trainees should answer honestly and independently from their tutors or heads. The answers will only be accessible to ESHRE assessors.

  11. Once the completed “Trainee Questionnaire” has been submitted, the Coordinator of ATCE Steering Committee is notified of the application and a decision will be made regarding acceptance.

  12. If your application is accepted, a link will be provided to settle the application fee: 3,300 Euro (exclusive VAT).

  13. The ATCE Coordinator Steering Committee then nominates two experienced assessors. You will receive an automatic notification with the names of the assessors and will be asked to declare if there are any conflicts of interest.

  14. ESHRE will then organise the live visit. Flights and accommodation for assessors will be arranged by ESHRE.

  15. The assessors will inform you about the face-to-face visit with a planned schedule for the visit.

  16. Following the assessment visit, the assessor submits a report to the ESHRE Executive Committee for approval.

  17. If accepted, ESHRE will issue an “Accreditation Certificate” and the web label for the Training Centre. This will have either a 2 year provisional approval or a 5 year full approval.

  18. Renewal of your accreditation certificate: an automatic notification will be sent 6 months before the expiry date.

  19. The flowchart and timeline of the whole accreditation process is here.

Download flowchart

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