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Task Force Female Genital Malformations (CONUTA)

This common ESHRE / ESGE Task Force for Female Genital Malformations, under the code name CONUTA (CONgenital Uterine Anomalies), is active since 2011. The task force is established as collaboration between the ESHRE Special Interest Group (SIG) and the ESGE SIG on Reproductive Surgery and EAGE. 
The aim of the task force is to elaborate on the following points of interest:

• To create an updated classification system and to publish it in the ESHRE pages of Human Reproduction
• To set up guidelines on the diagnostic approach of congenital anomalies 
• To set up guidelines on the treatment of congenital anomalies.

The DELPHI procedure is applied as foundation for the study aiming to find consensus between the experts in the fields.


Scientific Coordinators
Grigoris F. Grimbizis and Rudi Campo

DELPHI Procedure Coordinator
Stephan Gordts

Societies Representatives
ESHRE: SIG RS: Vasilis Tanos - Ex Co: Luca Gianaroli
ESGE: Ex Co: SIG RS: Stephan Gordts - Sara Brucker

Scientific Committee
Sara Brucker, Rudi Campo, Carlo De Angelis, Attilio Di Spezio Sardo, Marco Gergolet, Stephan Gordts, Grigoris Grimbizis, T-C Li and Vasilis Tanos

Reproductive Surgery CME 
ESHRE SIG RS Coordinator: Vasilios Tanos MD PhD 

Reproductive Surgery (RS) is becoming a very complicated subspecialty of the ObGyn practice. In the last 10 years we have seen tremendous improvements in the infrastructure (settings and instrumentation) as well as the developed capabilities of individuals and groups in treating infertile women to become pregnant spontaneously and /or facilitating ART results. There is enough experience and evidence based data that RS undertaken by well educated, trained and experienced doctors significantly improve fertility results, alleviate patients from pain and improve their quality of life. In addition surgery undertaken by well trained gynaecologists contributes to patients’ safety and secures profession good reputation. The last 5 years different authorities have developed educational programs and training facilities offering tremendous knowledge on fundamentals of endoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic suturing, hand skills validated tests, indicating ergonomy and surgical approach and management demonstrates the importance and necessity to secure infertile patients’ safety, improve reproductive spontaneous performance and ART results. Data demonstrates that an educational program and training can objectively improve surgical approach and hand skills in RS. 
Within this context SIG RS has made a plan and focus on hands on training like the ones we perform in Leuven ESHRE Campus WS every March and November every year. In addition we try to give answers to difficult RS problems like the classification of congenital uterine anomalies the CONUTA TF while we try a new form of WS with more life surgery and interactive presentations.