Two giants in reproductive medicine, one extraordinary event. Register now for the 'Best of' in Lisbon.



Screening embryos for polygenic disease risk: epidemiological, clinical, and ethical considerations

In this webinar, we will present the recently developed review paper on polygenic embryo screening, prepared by ESHRE delegates and experts in the field.


registration open until 10 April 2025

Advanced genetic testing for female infertility

This webinar series aims to introduce advanced genetic tests to identify the causes of monogenic female infertility.

Webinar series

registration open until 16 July 2025

Personalised medicine in reproduction

Personalised medicine is a hot topic in reproductive care and this workshop will explore the promises and perils for patients; with expanded carrier screening, ovarian stimulation, assays for PGT-A and fertility preservation for cancer among the many areas covered.

Berlin, Germany

08-10 May 2025

Genetic causes of reproductive failure and their consequences on health

This precongress course will cover the factors leading to reproductive failure and their consequences on individual’s health. Starting from the genetics of male and female infertility where monogenic aetiology will be examined, we will then discuss chromosomal, genetic and epigenetic causes of embryo arrest and miscarriages.

Paris, France

29 June 2025

Breaking barriers: addressing disparities in MAR

This forward-looking workshop offers a global overview of the considerations and moral debates around the use of surplus frozen embryos in the clinic and in research with a special emphasis on scientific advances in the field.

Barcelona, Spain

22-23 September 2025

Reproductive aging: from genetic insights to emerging therapies

The latest scientific findings in genomics, stem cell research, bioengineering and other disciplines will feature in this comprehensive workshop which explores the causes, consequences, and solutions for addressing the increasing global trend in reproductive aging.

Frankfurt, Germany

04-06 December 2025