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3rd PCOS Consensus workshop: Women’s health aspects of PCOS

ESHRE Symposium organised by SIG Reproductive Endocrinology

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

18 November 2010


Quality of life and sexual health in women with PCOS - Jacky Boivin (UK)

The history of ESHRE/ASRM sponsored PCOS consensus workshops - Basil Tarlatzis (Greece) B.C.J.M. Fauser (The Netherlands)

PCOS and type 2 diabetes mellitus - Stephen Franks (UK)

Vascular function and insulin resistance in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - I.J.G. Ketel (The Netherlands)

Menopause in PCOS - Richard S. Legro (USA)

PCOS Cardiovascular Health (Post-Reproductive Life) - Robert A. Wild (USA)

Obesity and PCOS - Robert Norman (Australia)

Genetics of PCOS: The insulin receptor pathway - Y. Louwers (The Netherlands)

Prediction of pregnancy complications in PCOS - Angelique J. Goverde (The Netherlands)

Treatment of Infertility in Women with PCOS - Basil C. Tarlatzis (Greece)

PCOS in Adolescence - Adam Balen (UK)

PCOS and reproductive outcome - Felice Petraglia (Italy)

Genetics of PCOS: gonadotrophic hormone receptors - O. Valkenburg (The Netherlands)